U.S. Forest Service
News Release
Media Contact: Brady Smith
Fees waived day after Christmas Sedona, Ariz., Dec. 17, 2015, For Immediate Release —
The Red Rock Ranger District of the Coconino National Forest will waive fees associated with many recreation sites and amenities on Dec. 26.
"The day after Christmas is one of the most popular days for people to visit the Red Rock Ranger District, including many who are traveling for the holidays and visiting their
national forest for the first time,” said Nicole Branton, Red Rock district ranger. “We want to encourage everyone to get out and enjoy their public lands with family and friends this holiday season."
Fees will be waived for the entire Red Rock Pass area including Palatki and Honanki Ruins, V Bar V Cultural Site and approximately 300 miles of multiple-use trails.
Areas not included in the fee waiver program are campgrounds and recreation sites managed under concession contract, including Grasshopper Point, Crescent Moon Ranch and West Fork.
For more information concerning fee free days, visit
www.fs.fed.us/passespermits/. The Red Rock Visitor Center can also be reached at 928-203-2900.