Mt. Furuhelm/Mt. Ada zone on Baranof Island in Unit 4 is closed to the harvest of mountain goats The
Sitka District Ranger, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, is taking action to close the Mt. Furuhelm/Mt. Ada zone to the harvest of mountain goats. The closure will be effective at 11:59 p.m., Friday Dec. 18, 2015 and will remain in
effect through the remainder of the 2015 season which ends Dec. 31. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has issued a concurrent closure in the same zone. Based on aerial surveys, historical harvest and vulnerability to harvest, biologists have set
a maximum guideline harvest objective of seven male goats or one female goat in this area. As of Tuesday, Dec 15, four males and one female goat have been harvested. Continued mountain goat harvest in this area would be detrimental to the long term conservation
of the mountain goat population. The remainder of Baranof Island will remain open for goat hunting unless closed by past or future special action.
A map and description of the closed areas are available from the Sitka Ranger District Office and the Sitka area office of ADF&G. Information on Federal subsistence management special actions for the Tongass National Forest can be found
at For additional information, call Subsistence Biologist Justin Koller at 907-747-4297 or e-mail him at
jpkoller@xxxxxxxxx. Information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program can be found at -end- |