U.S. Forest Service
News Release
Media Contact: Brady Smith
Fire managers to conduct pile burns tomorrow Flagstaff, Ariz., Nov. 4, 2015, For Immediate Release —
Fire managers plan to burn slash piles tomorrow (Nov. 5) south of Mountainaire, and also in an area west of Flagstaff.
Smoke from these burns is expected to disperse toward the southeast and may settle in low areas southeast of the burns, especially during the evening and early morning
Mountainaire Piles: 100 acres; located just south of the
community of Mountainaire, east of Interstate 17. This burn is planned for tomorrow and will produce noticeable smoke to those in and around Mountainaire.
Woody Ridge Piles: 200 acres; located approximately four
miles west of Flagstaff, north of Interstate 40. This burn is planned for tomorrow and will produce noticeable smoke to those in Flagstaff and travelers in that area along Interstate 40. Prescribed fires are essential tools for restoring the forests in our fire-adapted ecosystem,
and smoke is an unavoidable byproduct of these vital efforts. Fire managers strive to minimize smoke impacts to the community as much as possible. They burn when winds and other atmospheric conditions will push the majority of smoke away from homes; they’ll
burn larger sections at a time to ultimately limit the number of days smoke is in the air; and they work closely with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, partners in the Ponderosa Fire Advisory Council, as well as neighboring forests to monitor
air quality.
Notifications of upcoming prescribed burns are provided regularly throughout the season. The public can find this information online through several resources:
Coconino website:
www.coconinonationalforest.us, (Under News and Events)