U.S. Forest Service
News Release
Media Contact: Brady Smith
Echo fire moves to monitor status Flagstaff, Ariz., July 31, 2015, For Immediate Release —
Perimeter burnout operations for the Echo fire concluded Wednesday and the lightning-caused wildfire that began on July 17 is completely lined, with only small internal
pockets still burning and smoldering.
Smoke from the Echo fire should no longer impact surrounding communities such as Flagstaff and Sedona, and only residual smoke will be noticeable to those in the immediate area
of the wildfire due to internal areas continuing to smolder. The fire received light to moderate rainfall yesterday, and crews will continue to monitor the pockets of unburned areas.
The total acreage of the Echo fire concluded at 1,954 acres as the fire accomplished multiple objectives, reducing hazardous fuels, restoring forest health and burning dead logs,
branches, needles and leaves.
The location of the fire was an important strategic area for reducing fire danger and providing a point of protection for the city of Flagstaff, as the fire tied in a large swath
of area that included last year’s Slide fire and the Taylor fire of 2009.
Description: COC-NR-7-31-15-EchoFireConcludes.pdf