Attached is today’s press release concerning the Burnt Complex. Respectfully, David Hercher
Burnt Complex update: July 28, 2015 Fredonia, Ariz., July 28, 2015 –
Today, crews continued burning on the west end of Burnt Corral Ridge, assessing the need to continue burn-out operations as necessary to reinforce the wildfire’s established
perimeter boundary, and monitoring fire behavior and weather. The crew, currently working under the command of a Type-4 incident commander, consists of 9 local wildland firefighters, 2 Type-6
engines, and a Type-2 Saguaro Wildland Fire Module from Saguaro National Park, Tucson Arizona, with a crew of 9. Tomorrow, fire managers will continue to execute the established management strategy to allow the wildfire to slowly work its way
across the forest floor to reduce fuel loads inside the approved 3,915-acrea planning area. “The key here is patience,” said North Kaibab District Ranger Randall Walker. “The fire has to be allowed to play its role on
the landscape naturally so it achieves the desired effects we want. Our burning operations are just one tool we use to help manipulate and maintain the low-intensity fire behavior that we want so we can improve our collective effectiveness at reducing high-severity
wildfire impacts in the future.” Fire Name/Date Started: Burnt Complex; the
Burnt Fire was discovered on July 5, and the Corral Fire on July 9. Cause:
Lightning Planning Area Boundary:
established 3,915 planning area is bound by Forest Service Road (FSR) 228 on the north, FSR 274 on the south and west,
and FSR 22 on the east. Size:
2,483 acres Smoke:
Smoke is visible but minimal throughout portions of the district. Resources Committed: 1 Type II Wildland Fire
Module, 2 Type-6 engines, 19 wildland firefighters, 6 overhead; 25 personnel total. Closures: Currently no road or trail closures
are in effect or anticipated; however, hazard signs are posted, and motorists should exercise caution when around traveling near the planning area boundary. Fuel Types: Pine, down woody debris, duff
and litter (material on the forest floor consisting of decomposing needles and other natural materials). Get fire activity updates and maps 24 hours-a-day:
Fire Information Line: 928-635-8311
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Description: 1650-1_d3_BurntComplexUpdate_2015_0728.pdf