Kendrick 2 Fire 25% contained; Crews continue burnout ops tonight Flagstaff,
Ariz. –
Firefighters are continuing to make good progress, but have been facing high winds and an abundance of dead and down logs that are fueling fire behavior.
“Safety is our number one priority, and these heavy fuels and high winds have been challenging us,” says Jim Burton, Kendrick 2 Fire Incident Commander Trainee.
“We’re taking it slow, making smart decisions, and we are making solid progress.”
Crews will remain on scene conducting burnout operations well into the night, and will resume suppression efforts tomorrow.
“The forecast conditions are on our side,” says Burton. Winds are expected to diminish around 9 p.m. tonight, and Monday’s weather will be much more favorable.
Precipitation is in the forecast for mid-week. Current Size: 200 acres
Containment: 25% Estimated final size: approximately 500 acres Hwy 180 remains closed in both directions for public safety due to smoke and fire traffic. Fire managers are working with ADOT and Law Enforcement who are
overseeing the highway restrictions. No structures are threatened.
The fire is human-caused and under investigation.
The Coconino National Forest has responded to several human-caused fires recently and investigators are asking that if the public has any information on these
fires to call 928-527-3558. [photo] Firefighter and District Archaeologist Jeremy Haines works as part of an engine crew tonight on the Kendrick 2 Fire. Photo by Murray Rosengarten, Coconino National
Forest. Photos of the Kendrick 2 Fire have been uploaded to an album on our Flickr site: ### From:
USDA FS NEWS List [mailto:USDA-FS-NEWS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Magee, Brienne U -FS Crews are making progress on Kendrick 2 Fire Flagstaff,
Ariz. –
Firefighters are making good progress on the Kendrick 2 fire north of Flagstaff. Dozer lines are in place on the eastern portion of the fire and burnout operations to
deepen and strengthen those lines are currently underway. They’re beginning dozer line and burnout operations this afternoon on the western side.
The fire is currently approximately 175 acres.
Because crews are using indirect suppression tactics (meaning they are establishing containment lines a safe distance away from the fire which is burning in hazardous logs/debris from the 1996 Horseshoe Fire),
the fire will continue to grow in size this afternoon, but fire managers are still confident that they will contain the Kendrick 2 Fire tonight.
Hwy 180 remains closed in both directions for public safety due to smoke and fire traffic.
No structures are threatened.
The fire is human-caused and under investigation.
The Coconino National Forest has responded to several human-caused fires recently and investigators are asking that if the public has any information on these
fires to call 928-527-3558. ### From: USDA FS NEWS
List [mailto:USDA-FS-NEWS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Magee, Brienne U -FS
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Coconino National Forest For Immediate Release: Sunday, November 30, 2014
Media Contact:
Brienne Magee – cell: 928-310-6035
431 Fire 100% Contained, Crews respond to Kendrick 2 Fire Flagstaff,
Ariz. –
Firefighters were successful in containing the 431 Fire. Containment lines held throughout the night, and crews remain on scene patrolling and mopping up. Smoke will
be noticeable from Hwy 89 for the next couple days as logs and stumps in the interior continue to smolder.
431 Fire final size: 204 acres Cause: Human-caused, under investigation Crews are on scene of a new start – the Kendrick 2 Fire – located approximately 20 miles northwest of Flagstaff off Hwy 180 near Kendrick Mountain and Horseshoe
Hill. This is in the vicinity of the Kendrick Fire from November 23, and in the burn scar from the 1996 Horseshoe Fire.
The fire is approximately 75 acres burning in grass and heavy dead/down fuels from the old Horseshoe Fire. It started on the west side of Hwy 180 and has moved
to the east side of the highway. Fire managers are working with law enforcement to direct traffic on the highway. Hwy 180 is temporarily closed in both directions.
No structures are threatened.
The fire is human-caused and under investigation.
Fire managers anticipate containing the fire by tonight with a final size of 300-500 acres.
The Coconino National Forest has responded to several human-caused fires recently and investigators are asking that if the public has any information on these
fires to call 928-527-3558. ### USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (866) 632-9992 (toll-free customer service), (800) 877-8339 (local or federal relay) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice users).