U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Coconino National Forest www.twitter.com/CoconinoNF www.flickr.com/photos/coconinonationalforest For Immediate Release: Saturday, November 29, 2014
Media Contact:
Brienne Magee – cell: 928-310-6035
Crews respond to 431 Fire north of Flagstaff Flagstaff,
Ariz. – Firefighters from the Coconino National Forest, Summit Fire Department,
and Highlands Fire Department are on scene of the 431 Fire north of Flagstaff. The fire is located approximately 12 miles north of the Flagstaff Mall on the west side of Hwy 89 across near Forest Service Road 418. It was named for its location at milepost
431 on Hwy 89. It is currently 125 acres and crews are conducting burnout operations. Fire managers anticipate full containment tonight at approximately 200 acres.
Due to fire traffic and smoke, southbound Hwy 89 has been reduced to one lane. Northbound Hwy 89 is currently open, however all drivers should be cautious
of fire equipment and heavy smoke on the highway throughout the night. Smoke is drifting westerly, and may be noticeable in Flagstaff overnight.
Cause is unknown and under investigation.
Crews will remain on scene for the next several days.
This will be the only update unless significant changes occur.
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