U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Coconino National Forest www.twitter.com/CoconinoNF www.flickr.com/photos/coconinonationalforest For Immediate Release July 26, 2014
Media Contact:
Brienne Magee, 928-527-8290 or 928-310-6035 Bar M Fire and Island Fires updates; Sitgreaves Complex smoke drifts our way; Fay Fire Final Update Flagstaff, Ariz. –
Monsoonal winds pushed smoke into the Flagstaff, Sedona and Verde Valley areas from the Sitgreaves Complex on the Kaibab National Forest near Parks, AZ. With variable winds in the forecast, smoke is
likely to drift toward these areas again for the next several days. Fire managers continue to coordinate with neighboring forests, municipal fire departments and the Az Department of Environmental Quality to monitor smoke impacts.
BAR M FIRE Crews continue efforts on the Bar M Fire southwest of Mormon Lake solidifying perimeters with burnout operations. Fire managers plan to complete these burnouts earlier in the day to allow the
majority of smoke to disperse before nightfall. Most of the Bar M Fire smoke settling overnight in Long Park and Mormon Lake Basin. Some has also been drifting down canyon toward the Verde Valley. The area has not received precipitation in the past 10 days
so fire has been active, but continues to burn at a healthy, moderate severity across the landscape. Current size: 3,450 acres ISLAND FIRE The lightning-caused Island Fire was discovered near the Pothole Fire south of West Clear Creek Wilderness. Yesterday crews constructed containment line and conducted burnout operations, protecting
a nearby powerline. This is not a candidate to be used for resource benefits; today’s plan of action includes additional burnout operations to reinforce hand-lines. Much of the fire is surrounded by natural barriers that will help restrict fire’s movement
in the area. Overnight smoke will follow West Clear Creek toward the Verde Valley. Current size: 80 acres
The Pothole, General, and
Willard Fires are showing little activity. A few scattered logs and debris are smoldering, and crews will continue to monitor the area.
FAY FIRE The Fay Fire caused by a single-engine aircraft crash northwest of Sedona is 100% contained. The Bear Mountain Trail is open. Fay Canyon Trail remains closed, and will be reassessed next week.
Final size: 40 acres ### USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Office of the Assistant
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