Kaibab National Forest
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For Immediate Release Contact: Holly Krake, 928-635-5653
July 20, 2014
Resource Benefit Fires Update 07.20.14 WILLIAMS, AZ – Ignitions were successful yesterday on both the Sitgreaves and McRae Fires. Smoke impacts will continue to vary each day but should continue to lift during the day and settle
locally overnight. Smoke impacts may increase during times of managed ignitions. Fire managers are working in coordination with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, municipal fire departments, and neighboring forests to monitor smoke impacts. Williams Ranger District: Currently 350 acres in size, the Sitgreaves Fire is located approximately
5 miles northwest of Parks, AZ. Today crews may conduct aerial ignitions to continue backing fire down from the ridge tops with low to moderate intensity. Additional hand ignitions may also occur along FSR 76. Some tree torching may occur which is beneficial
to reducing stand densities and reducing the threat of high intensity wildfire. Smoke is highly visible from I-40.
A community meeting for the greater Parks, AZ area has been scheduled for Wednesday July 23, 2014 at 5:30pm at the Maine School Gymnasium.
Currently 324 acres in size, the Duck Fire is located approximately 3 miles northwest of Parks, AZ. Crews continue to actively monitor the fire. Smoke is highly
visible from I-40. Tusayan Ranger District: Currently 1500 acres in size, the McRae Fire is located approximately
5 miles southeast of Tusayan, AZ. Today crews are planning 500 acres of managed ignitions as needed within the planning area. Smoke may become highly visible from Highway 64. North Kaibab Ranger District: Currently 27 acres in size, the Quaking Fire is located approximately
40 miles southeast of Fredonia, AZ. Today crews are planning managed ignitions as needed along FSRs 271 and 206. No smoke impacts are anticipated at this time. Get fire activity updates and maps 24 hours-a-day: Fire Information Line: 928-635-8311 Inciweb:
inciweb.nwcg.gov Text Message: text ‘follow kaibabnf’ to 40404 A Type 3 helicopter lands in Pittman Valley after conducting aerial ignitions and
reconnaissance flights on the Sitgreaves Fire near Parks, AZ on July 19, 2014. (Photo Credit: USFS/Holly Krake) Holly Krake, MSEd Fire Information Officer USDA Forest Service Kaibab National Forest- South Zone 742 S. Clover Road Williams, AZ 86046 p. 928-635-5653 f. 928-635-5680 This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately. |
Description: 1650-1_so_McRae_Sitgreaves_Duck_Quaking_Fires_2014_0720.pdf