U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Coconino National Forest www.flickr.com/photos/coconinonationalforest For Immediate Release March 18, 2014
Public Affairs Contacts:
Brienne Magee – 928-310-6035,
GLASS CONTAINERS BANNED ALONG OAK CREEK AND FOSSIL CREEK SEDONA, Az – The Coconino National Forest is implementing a prohibition on glass food and beverage containers on federal lands near
Oak Creek and Fossil Creek, two popular public swimming areas. This ban will be in effect beginning April 1, 2014. Broken glass containers are to blame for cut feet and litter in many locations along these two streams. This prohibition will enhance health
and safety and reduce hazardous waste in the stream corridor. Along Oak Creek near Sedona, glass containers are prohibited on Forest land within 300 feet of the edge of Oak Creek except within designated picnic and campgrounds or within a motor vehicle.
This prohibition extends from Red Rock Crossing upstream through Oak Creek Canyon to Pumphouse Wash.
For Fossil Creek, glass containers are prohibited within the entire Wild and Scenic River area ¼ mile on either side of Fossil Creek from the Fossil Springs area downstream to below Stehr Lake.
This includes portions of the Coconino and the Tonto national forests. Visitors may have glass containers within their vehicle.
Forest visitors are encouraged to abide by the prohibition so that the stream corridor is safer for everyone. Visitors should bring alternate types of containers with them if they are picnicking
stream-side. The prohibition will be posted at all bulletin boards and entry areas. Per Title 16 36 CFR 261.50 (a) and/or (b), violation of this Order is punishable as a Class B misdemeanor by a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or imprisonment for not more
than six (6) months, or both. Contact the Red Rock Ranger District at (928)-203-2900 or for additional information.
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