U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Coconino National Forest www.twitter.com/CoconinoNF www.flickr.com/photos/coconinonationalforest
For Immediate Release July 23, 2012
Contact: Brienne Magee 928-527-8290 Brady Smith 928-527-3490
Logging begins in tornado-damaged forest southwest of Flagstaff
Flagstaff, AZ – Logging has begun in the tornado-damaged National Forest southwest of Flagstaff off Woody Mountain Road. Logging trucks will be present on Woody Mountain Road, and will be accessing the forest via I-17 at Fort Tuthill as well as I-40 at Flagstaff Ranch Road. Activity will continue throughout the summer and fall as weather permits, and visitors should use caution while in the area.
These efforts are part of the ongoing Post-Tornado Resource Protection and Recovery Project. The tornados that occurred October 6, 2010 left in their wake thousands of acres of extensive damage, increasing the risk of catastrophic fire and bark beetle infestation. The purpose of this project is to reduce those risks and to alleviate safety issues along forest roads and camping areas.
The project includes multiple treatments to remove many of the downed and damaged trees in the tornado corridors. In addition to commercial logging, treatments will include piling and burning, chipping and removing, and/or lopping and scattering non-merchantable material.
For additional information contact the Flagstaff Ranger Station at 928-526-0866.
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