Good afternoon. Please see the below news release on fuelwood season and share widely.
Jacqueline C. Banks
Public Affairs Officer
Kaibab National Forest
cell 928-606-7490
Fuelwood Season To Begin May 3 on Williams and Tusayan Districts
WILLIAMS, Ariz. – Beginning May 3, permits for gathering dead and down fuelwood for personal use will be available for the Williams and Tusayan districts of the Kaibab National Forest.
The permits are $5 per cord, with a minimum purchase of $20. Six cords per household is the maximum amount of wood that can be purchased each season.
Fuelwood season is beginning a little later on the Williams and Tusayan districts this year due to the heavy snow received over the winter. Another change from last year is the addition of load tags that must be attached to the fuelwood.
Fuelwood cutters will be given load tags in addition to their permits. The load tags must be physically attached to each ¼ cord of fuelwood in a location visible from the rear of the vehicle. Four load tags will be provided for each cord of wood issued on the permit.
The goal of the new load tagging system is to ensure accountability for the amount of wood removed from the forest.
Free use permits may also be obtained for certain areas on both districts. Please call the appropriate office for current information on free use permit locations since some areas may have changed from last year.
Fuelwood gathering season will be open from May 3 through Dec. 13. Permits will be available weekdays at the following locations:
• Williams Ranger District, 742 S. Clover Rd., Williams, (928) 635-5600; Hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
• Tusayan Ranger District, Hwy. 64 Administrative Site, Grand Canyon, (928) 638-2443; Hours 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m.
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