Tongass National Forest News Release
Contact: Michelle Putz
E-mail: mputz@xxxxxxxxx
Phone: 907-747-4278
Date: June 9, 2009
Forest Service releases Environmental Assessment for Hoonah motorized vehicle access
Hoonah, AK – The U.S. Forest Service has released the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Hoonah Ranger District Access and Travel Management (ATM) project.
A decision on the project will determine how the district’s road system will be managed to meet public needs, safety and resource concerns, budget levels and Forest Plan objectives.
The EA describes and analyzes one no-action alternative and one action alternative for motorized vehicle road and trail access on the Hoonah Ranger District, Tongass National Forest. It is available on the internet at under Hoonah Ranger District Access and Travel Management project.
Hoonah District Ranger Rich Jennings is expected to release his Decision Notice (DN) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) this summer.
The Hoonah Ranger District has already provided several opportunities for public input on the the ATM, including pre-scoping and informational meetings, as well as subsistence hearings. With the release of the EA, the public has another opportunity to comment on the proposal.
The Forest Service invites comments on the EA from individuals and organizations. Submit written comments by mail to Hoonah Ranger District, P.O. Box 135, Hoonah, AK, 99829; by fax to 907-945-3385; in person at the Hoonah Ranger District office, 430 A Airport Rd. in Hoonah; or by email at comments-alaska-tongass-hoonah@xxxxxxxxx (please put “Hoonah ATM” in the subject line).
Comments must be received within 30 calendar days following publication of the notice of availability of this EA in the Juneau Empire, the newspaper of record for this project.
For more information, contact Rich Jennings at 907-945-1201, or Michelle Putz at 907-747-4278 (mputz@xxxxxxxxx).
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