Media Advisory: USDA Under Secretary Avalos to Visit Local DC Farmers Market

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Title: Media Advisory: USDA Under Secretary Avalos to Visit Local DC Farmers Market

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Media Advisory No. 0061.13


USDA Office of Communications (202) 720-4623


USDA Under Secretary Avalos to Visit Local DC Farmers Market


WASHINGTON, August 9, 2013 -- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Marketing and Regulatory Programs Under Secretary Ed Avalos will visit the University of District of Columbia (UDC)/Latino Farmers and Ranchers Farmers Market on August 10. Avalos’ visit comes as National Farmers Market Week comes to a close.


Located in the northwest region of Washington, D.C., the farmers market enjoys a culturally and economically diverse population of visitors. The market is one of the 8,144 establishments listed in the USDA National Farmers Market Directory.


The Farmers Market Directory, a voluntary online database at, identifies new farmers markets, the states with the highest number of markets in operation, and the total number of farmers markets that have registered throughout the United States.


Farmers market managers voluntarily supply their market information providing a snap shot of the number of markets that have registered with the directory. Farmers markets have increased in number and popularity over the years and have evolved into a favorite social gathering place in many communities. With a maturing farmers market system, USDA is focusing its support on sustainability and encouraging market development all over the country.


The offerings and events at the UDC/Latino Farmers and Ranchers Market bring together all facets of the surrounding community so residents and visitors can enjoy fresh produce and other goods from local farms and artisans. University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is a 2012 USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program grant recipient, receiving $73,5000 to establish two new farmers markets in low-income areas of Washington, DC, and provide transportation for seniors.


UDC and the National Latino Farmers & Ranchers Trade Association (NLFRTA)/Rural Coalition have established a strong working relationship since its inception in the summer of 2010. NLFRTA provides support and technical assistance to Latino farmers and assists UDC in identifying local Latino farmers as vendors to the UDC farmers market.


WHO:                         USDA Under Secretary Ed Avalos

WHAT:                      Visit to UDC/Latino Farmers and Ranchers Farmers Market

WHEN:                      Saturday, August 10, 2013, 9:00 a.m. EST

WHERE:                   4340 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC (right in front of the UDC Law School Building)




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