Media Advisory: USDA Chief Scientist to Discuss Results of G-8 Open Data Conference

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Title: Media Advisory: USDA Chief Scientist to Discuss Results of G-8 Open Data Conference

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Media Advisory No. 0024.13


USDA Office of Communications (202) 720-4623


USDA Chief Scientist to Discuss Results of G-8 Open Data Conference


WASHINGTON, April 29, 2013--- On TUESDAY, April 30, USDA Chief Scientist Dr. Catherine Woteki will conduct a media briefing to discuss with reporters the results of this week’s G-8 Open Data Conference. The conference is a step toward ensuring world food security through the open sharing of agricultural data.


Dr. Woteki will outline the federal government’s new Food, Agriculture and Rural data community, which offers a catalog of over 300 data sets as well as numerous apps, tools and statistical products. The community can be found on Its creation was announced at the start of the conference by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.


Dr. Woteki will also discuss other conference outcomes, along with next steps.


TIME: 2:30 p.m. Eastern, Tuesday, April 30, 2013




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