CORRECTED: Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Host Media Call on Renewal of a Historic Agreement with the Dairy Industry

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Title: CORRECTED: Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Host Media Call on Renewal of a Historic Agreement with the Dairy Industry

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Media Advisory No. 0022.13


USDA Office of Communications (202) 720-4623


CORRECTED: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Host Media Call on Renewal of a Historic Agreement with the Dairy Industry


**NOTE new dial-in**


WASHINGTON, April 23, 2013— TOMORROW, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will hold a media conference call to announce the renewal of an historic agreement with U.S. dairy leaders to accelerate adoption of innovative waste-to-energy projects on U.S. dairy farms. The pact extends a Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2009 which supports the dairy industry as it works to reach its long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2020.


The Secretary will be joined by Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy CEO Tom Gallagher and Doug Young, a farmer from NY who has benefited from this MOU.  Objectives of the MOU are to increase the construction of anaerobic digesters and explore innovative ways to use products previously considered waste streams from dairy production, processing and handling.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013   

3 p.m. EDT 


WHAT: Secretary Vilsack, Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy CEO Tom Gallagher and Doug Young, a farmer from NY will host a conference call on the renewal of an historic agreement with the U.S. dairy industry to promote sustainable practices.




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