Media Advisory No. 4148.10 |
USDA Office of Communications
(202) 720-4623
Secretaries Locke, Vilsack to Hold Conference Call to Preview the President’s Recovery Act Announcement
**Call is Embargoed for July 2 at 12:00 MIDNIGHT EDT**
WASHINGTON, July 1, 2010—Today at 5:00 p.m. EDT, Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Jared Bernstein, Chief Economist to the Vice President, will hold a conference call with press to discuss new Recovery Act awards that the President will announce tomorrow, Friday July 2. The awards will create jobs and drive economic growth in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This call will be on the record, but the material discussed will be embargoed until 12 midnight EDT tonight.
Secretary Locke, Secretary Vilsack, and Jared Bernstein preview the President’s Recovery Act announcement |
TODAY, Thursday, July 1, 2010
5:00 p.m. EDT |
Participant dial in (888) 276-0010, no code necessary.
If prompted, ask to join the “White House Conference Call” |
EMBARGOED FOR 12 a.m. EDT Friday, July 2
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