For full story: Release No. 0227.06 Ed Loyd (202) 720-4623 Stevin Westcott (202) 720-4178 USDA ANNOUNCES $11.8 MILLION IN EMERGENCY CONSERVATION PROGRAM FUNDING FOR 18 STATES WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 -- Agriculture Deputy Secretary Chuck Conner today announced that USDA will begin allocating $11.8 million in Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) funding for 18 states to help producers rehabilitate land damaged by natural disasters. "Excessive rainfall, flooding, drought and other severe weather conditions have taken a toll on our farm and ranchlands," said Conner. "These Emergency Conservation Program funds will help assist farmers and ranchers to rehabilitate and restore conservation practices on their lands." ECP gives producers additional resources to remove debris from farmland, restore fences and conservation structures, provide water for livestock in drought situations and grade and shape farmland damaged by a natural disaster. The program is administered by USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) state and county committees. Eligible producers will receive cost-share assistance of up to 75 percent of the cost of the approved practice, as determined by FSA county committees. The 18 states will receive the following in ECP funds: Arkansas $643,000 Arizona $27,000 California $255,000 Colorado $413,000 Georgia $73,000 Hawaii $957,000 Illinois $12,000 Kentucky $215,000 Missouri $1,676,300 Nevada $493,000 New Hampshire $48,000 New Mexico $1,092,000 Oklahoma $532,000 South Dakota $1,963,000 Tennessee $2,328,800 Texas $570,300 Utah $120,000 Vermont $396,700 Total $11,815,100 Producers should check with their local FSA offices regarding ECP sign-up periods, which are established by county FSA committees. For a producer's land to be eligible, the disaster must create new conservation problems that, if untreated, would impair or endanger the land, materially affect its productive capacity, represent damage that is unusual in character, and be so costly to rehabilitate that federal assistance is required to return the land to productive agricultural use. Conservation problems existing prior to the applicable disaster are ineligible for ECP assistance. USDA offers additional programs to help farmers and ranchers recover from damages caused by natural disasters. These programs include the Emergency Loan Program, Federal Crop Insurance and the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program. More information on ECP and other disaster assistance programs is available at local FSA offices and online at: USDA News 202 720-4623 ---------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to mailto:webservices@xxxxxxxx?subject=UNSUBSCRIBE and reference your email address.