Re: [PATCH 3/5] arm: initial support for Marvell Dove SoCs

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On 05/13/2013 09:58 AM, Sascha Hauer wrote:
On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 03:09:04PM +0200, Sebastian Hesselbarth wrote:
This commit adds minimal support for the Marvell Dove SoC (88AP510) as
first SoC of the Marvell Orion family. Orion SoCs have a different timer,
therefore current mach-mvebu and Armada 370/XP Kconfig and Makefiles are
slightly modified and a new clocksource drivers is added.

Signed-off-by: Sebastian Hesselbarth<sebastian.hesselbarth@xxxxxxxxx>
Note: Linux for Dove expects internal registers to be remapped. For more
compatibility with barebox for MVEBU, I did not remap those yet. I rather
suggest to allow to add a pre-boot hook right before linux gets booted by
Damn, I thought that the PowerPC SoCs are the only ones that have such a
crazy register hiding feature.

I'd really prefer that the barebox memory layout is compatible to the
existing devicetrees. Otherwise we block the way of probing barebox from
the devicetree and to start barebox second stage.

memory layout will be compatible for sure. Just because I will not
rewrite the whole bunch of dtsi files we built up in the past ;)

Is it possible to remap the registers using the kwbimage tool? That way
every code that runs would see the desired register layout.
Although possible, I prefer a different approach:
- IIRC all MVEBU SoCs boot up at 0xd0000000
- Have a regbase variable within barebox that initially points to that
- Have a mvreadl/mvwritel that adds it to reg offsets
- Rewrite _initial_ SoC code to use mvreadl/mvwritel
- Remap during init after we can parse the DT tree but before timer and
  modify the pointer above

The regbase pointer is required as early debug _will_ access register
before and after remap and there is no way around it. But
mvreadl/mvwritel will be limited to code that sits in mach-mvebu, all
drivers will depend on DT.

Actually, I have a branch at

git:// mvebu-dt-v0

booting Dove and Armada 370 from full DT. You can have a sneak preview
where Thomas and I will push Marvell support to soon.


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