Old-fashioned here (but no viruses, etc!): I use phone line to dial into my isp (unix shell there too), and it's only *there* that I run mutt, trn, lynx, etc. Well, also just like in the old-days, the line drops -- well, their connection drops -- often while I'm running trn(4). So, a bit later I dial back in, and again run trn(4), and as usual it asks me if I want to let it overwrite .newsrc.bak. QUESTION: How should I answer that? QUESTION: just how often does trn update .newsrc? I assume that at least when you switch newsgrooups, it does. When else? After *each* msg read? After each *thread* read? etc. QUESTION: .newsrc is only one file, with some msg numbers in it. And it *can* be backed-up, etc. But what about all the *other* stuff that gets saved on the disk, in various "trn" subdirectories? What's all *that* stuff? Here's the trn-named stuff from a du -a cmd: egrepi trn dua.out 504 ./.trn/Kill/Threads 1144 ./.trn/Kill 28 ./.trn/savedscores 1220 ./.trn 4 ./.trnrc (this one's of course obvious) 0 ./trn > QUESTION: What does all or some of that stuff have to with what gets lost when the line drops while in trn? QUESTION: Is there any part of it that *should* get backed-up at the same time as .newsrc? QUESTION: Of what use is it for us to know what's in those files? Like, is there every any need, or use, in *hacking* any of that stuff? Thanks! David ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files for problems? Stop! Download the new AJAX search engine that makes searching your log files as easy as surfing the web. DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! http://sel.as-us.falkag.net/sel?cmd=lnk&kid=103432&bid=230486&dat=121642