First, my version: PC% trn -V Trn version: 4.0-test76 (Apr 2, 2001). Configured for both NNTP and local news access. You can request help from: Send bug reports, suggestions, etc. to: Next a quotation from "man trn": Newsgroup Selection Level In this section the words "next" and "previous" refer to the ordering of the newsgroups in your .newsrc file. On the newsgroup-selection level, the prompt looks like this: [...] g newsgroup Go to newsgroup, which can be the group's name or a zero-relative number of the groups in your .newsrc (see the 'L' command to list your .newsrc). If it isn't currently subscribed to, you will be asked if you want to subscribe. [...] Now and excerpt from the Newsgroup Selection level: Newsgroups 39 groups a 5 comp.protocols.ppp b 176 comp.sys.mac.portables d 1 comp.sys.macintosh e 237 f 1 alt.sci.seti g 1 comp.lang.python i 778 comp.mail.sendmail j 119 [...] As you can see, there is a news group labeled "g" and, so, if I try using "g newsgroup" it simply toggles (in this case) comp.lang.python's selection state as soon as I type the "g" and never lets me even get to typing the newsgroup I want to go to. This used to work in earlier versions of trn. The "g" was simply a reserved letter, not used for news group selection labels. What happened? I've also tried using "G" with the result: No item 'G' on this page. again before I'm even given the opportunity to enter a news group to go to. Is this a bug in trn or in trn's man page? If the latter, how DO I go to a newsgroup that isn't subscribed? Thanks and All good wishes, Charlie Sorsby P. O. Box 1225 Edgewood, NM 87015 USA ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven.