In article <>, Wayne Davison <> wrote: >Trn doesn't support yEnc directly because it was a poorly designed >format and I was kinda hoping it would go away (however, that doesn't Hear! Hear! >look to be very likely these days). >Personally, I've switched over to using "ubh" for extracting binaries -- >since that's it's sole purpose in life, it does a good job of it. I >haven't tried the 3.x version (it puts the article data into a mySQL >database), but the 2.x version works well for me (grab the ubh script >from the web-browsable CVS to get the latest fixes). I combine it with >uudeview (a fast decoder) for extra speed. Reminds of of aub. Personally I use the following cheesy perl script. Note that it automatically adds crossposted groups to the newsrc file as unsubbed. It makes it grow, but you can discover new groups this way. #!/usr/bin/perl -w eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell # connection, newsrc, xref sub mark_groups { my ($conn, $rc, $x) = @_; foreach $v (split " ", $x) { ($g, $n) = split ":", $v; $g =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; next if not defined $n || !$n; # active() is expensive. So, if we've already added it to # goodgroups, don't do it again. $goodgroups{$g} = keys %{$conn->active($g)} if ! exists($goodgroups{$g}); next if ! $goodgroups{$g}; print "\tg=$g, n=$n\n"; if ( ! $rc->exists($g)) { print "New group: $g\n"; $rc->unsubscribe($g, %last); } $rc->mark($g,$n); } } sub checkpoint { my ($rc) = @_; print "Checkpointing...\n"; $rc->save; print "Done.\n"; sleep 2; } use News::Newsrc; use Net::NNTP; use News::Article; use Date::Parse; use Date::Manip; %goodgroups = (); $limit = 100; $totcount = 0; $totartcount = 0; $conn = new Net::NNTP("thune"); $newsrc = new News::Newsrc("$ENV{HOME}/.newsstuffrc"); $first{"where"}="first"; $last{"where"}="last"; GROUP: foreach $group ($newsrc->sub_groups) { print "$group\n"; ($num, $first, $last, $ngroup)=$conn->group($group); print "$ngroup\n\t$first-$last"; if ($first > 1) { $fm = $first - 1; $newsrc->mark_range($group, 1, $fm); } @marked=$newsrc->marked_articles($group); if ($last < $marked[-1]) { print "Backing out article marks for $group..."; $newsrc->unmark_range($group, $first, $marked[-1]); } @articles = $newsrc->unmarked_articles($group, $first, $last); $artcount = @articles; $totartcount += $artcount; print "\t$artcount articles: @articles\n"; $count = 0; ARTS: foreach $num (@articles) { $art = $conn->article($num); $xref = "$group:$num"; if (! $art) { if ($conn->code != 430 && $conn->code != 000) { checkpoint($newsrc) if $count; $code=$conn->code; print "$code\n"; print "Reconnecting for $num...\n"; $conn = new Net::NNTP("thune"); $conn->group($group); print "Reconnected.\n"; $count = 0; next ARTS; } else { $count++; } } else { $filename = "$ENV{HOME}/News/uue/$group.$num.uue"; print "save file to: $filename\n"; open(OUTFILE, ">$filename") or die "Can't open $filename: $!"; print OUTFILE @{$art}; close OUTFILE; $article = new News::Article(); $article->read_headers($art, 16*1024); $date = $article->header("date"); $d=str2time($date); utime $d, $d, $filename; print "number=$num count=$count artcount=$artcount limit=$limit\n"; #foreach $v ($article->rawheaders) {print "$v\n";} $xref=$article->header("xref"); $count++; $totcount++; if ($count > $limit) { $count=0; checkpoint($newsrc); $left = $last-$num; print "group=$group last=$last, at most $left left\n"; next GROUP; } } mark_groups($conn, $newsrc, $xref); } $newsrc->move_group($group, %last); checkpoint($newsrc) if $count; } print "Total number of articles downloaded: $totcount\n"; print "Total number of articles possible: $totartcount\n"; -- Mike Castle We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan. -- Watchmen fatal ("You are in a maze of twisty compiler features, all different"); -- gcc ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: VM Ware With VMware you can run multiple operating systems on a single machine. WITHOUT REBOOTING! Mix Linux / Windows / Novell virtual machines at the same time. Free trial click here: