On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, David Combs wrote: > So, I guess it'd be safest for me *wait* for an explanation > of how the above-described "-"-op will via some hidden magic > make those articles become UN-selected. Just read the man page: range{,range}:command{:command} Apply a set of commands to a set of articles. A range consists of either <article number> or <article number>-<article number>. A dot '.' rep resents the current article, and a dollar sign '$' represents the last article. Applicable commands include 'm' (mark as unread), 'M' (mark as read-until-exit), 'j' (mark as read), "s dest" (save to a destination), "e dir" (extract to directory), "!command" (shell escape), "=" (print the subject), '+'/'-' (select/deselect the article), 'T+' (auto-select the entire thread), 'TJ' (auto-junk the entire thread), "++"/"--" (select/deselect the associated thread), 'C' (can cel), as well as S, |, w, W, and t. :command Apply a command to all the selected threads or their selected articles. Use "::command" to apply it to all non-selected threads/articles. For applicable commands, see the discussion above for the range command. ..wayne.. ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old cell phone? Get a new here for FREE! https://www.inphonic.com/r.asp?r