Re: Date Formats

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I am seeing the same behavior of the time format on my own TDE system as well. I tried setting a custom time format and the system ends up using the same format for both details mode and the taskbar time widget.

However, I figured out a reasonable workaround that you may find sufficient. Consider doing as follows:

1. Create a shell script named `mytime` (or whatever you prefer) containing the following code:

ls -lh --time-style=+'%l:M %p %a %b %d %Y'

2. Ensure the script file is executable by right clicking and setting it executable or running `chmod +x mytime` on it.

3. Save or move the file to your `/usr/local/bin` directory. (The reason for using the `local` path variant is because all standards-compliant distros are required to never write their own distro files into `/usr/local/` and hence it is safe from conflicts with future distro updates for custom local commands like this. Thus it won't be overwritten or deleted by accident during updates.)

4. Every time you want to view the current files in detail in the current file directory in the Konquerer file browser just press Ctrl E (or use the Tools -> Execute Shell Command menu item) and then type `mytime` and press enter (or click the 'Ok' button).

5. Expand the resulting command output popup window so that the lines are more legible.

Thus, you now have a method of getting the alternative time format you want whenever you need it, or indeed any other `strftime` based format (see `man date` and/or `man strftime`) or any other command output whatsoever! You can even define multiple other commands this way so that you have a wide variety of customized ways of looking at what's in your current directory according to whatever is best for a given situation.

For example, here's another useful command which you could likewise add to your `/usr/local/bin/` directory, perhaps named `estimate-filetypes` or whatever:

ls -1 | xargs file

As you can see, the pattern generalizes to any conceivable way of viewing your files that you can figure out how to do via a shell script, which is actually even more flexible than the separated time format customization you want would be.

The shell output box that appears in Konquerer supports copy-pasting text, and so you can also easily reuse the file name to pick a particular file name.

Also note that the `open path/to/file` command can be used to perform the default action on any file or folder (the same thing that would happen from "double clicking" on it in the GUI). That is useful for using any copy-pasted values retrieved from a custom command as above.

Perhaps this workaround would be sufficient for your use.

Anyway, sorry I couldn't figure out the exact solution, but I hope this helps.
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