On 3/13/25 9:25 PM, Michele Calgaro via tde-users wrote:
You would think. :) I tried a fresh profile and had the same blank tab.
I might fire up my KDE 3.5.10 VM and see what happens.
The blank tab is not the end of the world. Just looks odd for a file
Assuming you are running Konqueror as a file manager, go to Configure ->
Behavior and set your startup folder in "Home URL"
Been there done that. :)
I notice the Location box remains empty but the tab shows 'about:blank'.
Changing the Home URL: text to different directories makes no difference.
Interestingly, when typing Home URL:/home/user the konquerorrc file shows:
I would imagine when in filemanager profile that a new tab opens to the
Home URL or at least duplicates the previously focused tab.
Do you get a blank page when in file manager profile?
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