Darrell Anderson via tde-users wrote: > I do not have tdepowersave enabled and the tool is not showing in my > process list (ps aux). > > Perhaps there is some other place where this spew is generated? I looked into similar one in tdepwoersave, but it is indeed a different one Here it is at line 2422 tdelibs$ grep -n -i 'UNCLASSIFIED DEVICE' -r tdecore/tdehw/tdehardwaredevices.cpp:2075: // Try to at least generally classify unclassified devices tdecore/tdehw/tdehardwaredevices.cpp:2422: printf("[FIXME] UNCLASSIFIED DEVICE name: %s type: %s subsystem: %s driver: %s [Node Path: %s] [Syspath: %s] [%s:%s]\n", devicename.ascii(), devicetype.ascii(), devicesubsystem.ascii(), devicedriver.ascii(), devicenode.ascii(), udev_device_get_syspath(dev), devicevendorid.ascii(), devicemodelid.ascii()); fflush(stdout); ____________________________________________________ tde-users mailing list -- users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Web mail archive available at https://mail.trinitydesktop.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx