Re: getting Logitech USB microphone to work with krec

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On Friday 07 March 2025 19:06:45 deloptes via tde-users wrote:
> William Morder via tde-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I was just asking if it were alternative for you. Obviously it is not. I
> must admit that it is a simple tool, a KDE3 legacy.
> In order to "save as" the file you have to load it first. So the process is
> record, save, load, save as.
> It is not very intuitive.
> > I cannot show you some of this, because ksnapshot disappears when I do
> > anything with an active window, but here is a screenshot of my krec,
> > which tells me that it is currently recording. See attachment.
> Never mind, try harder experimenting with it and you'll find out how it
> works.
> Again I was just suggesting a very basic and simple tool to do some audio
> recording.
> You could actually use also the command line tool arecord.
> $ arecord -l
> $ arecord -L
> $ arecord  -fcd /tmp/test.wav
> If you have more than 1 mic attached, you will have to apply -D option to
> select the correct one or otherwise it takes the default. Default is the
> one that is configured as default in pulseaudio.

Some progress has been made. I went through those steps again, started a new 
session, new unnamed file, hit the red record button, then just let it ride 
awhile, as I was busy with some other things. I wanted to see if it picked up 
anything at all. The meter at the extreme bottom left corner, showed that it 
was running, but I can't tell from it how big it is, or indeed if anything at 
all is happening. (In Audacious, by contrast, you can see when it's picking 
up sound, as there is visual output that show spikes, peaks and valleys, 
clipping, and so on. But all I ever saw with krec was that thin purplish 

After I let it run for maybe 45 minutes, I ended up with a krec file of 782.4 
kb, which again didn't seem like much. When I opened that file in a new 
instance of krec, it showed a raw file that looks much bigger (that is, a 
bigger raw image). Now if I could make some changes in krec's configuration, 
then I might be able work better with it, as I could see if there is any 

By the way, I have nothing against doing things the hard way, if it yields 
results, if I get something that is stable and usable, that I don't have to 
keep resetting or reconfiguring; once I have my settings right, I want to be 
able to make a few clicks, or run a command, and it always behaves as I 
choose, without ugly surprises. 

Then, I got the bright idea to export it as a wav file, to make it easier to 
process with Audacity, to increase volume or whatever. 

Surprise! krec took a very long time, maybe another 45 minutes, to process 
that file, which I watched getting bigger and bigger. When at last it was 
finished, I had a wav file of 785.8 mb. Now that's that's an amazing file 
compression ratio. 

However, it still replays no sound at all, just a flat line. It may be that I 
have to mess around a bit more with the host. That is, in alsamixer or kmix, 
I have to choose the Logitech USB microphone, then change settings until I 
pick up sound. At the moment, krec works, it just doesn't actually record 


Attachment: krec-recording-20250307_160945.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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