Re: getting Logitech USB microphone to work with krec

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On Friday 07 March 2025 02:53:03 deloptes via tde-users wrote:
> William Morder via tde-users wrote:

I changed the the heading of this thread, since this no longer concerns 
Audacity, but rather krec (that is, krec-trinity), which is thus an on-topic 
topic. Or maybe I hijacked this off-topic topic, to make it on-topic? 


> This is strange, because I have not done any special settings. I plug in
> the mic (USB) it gets recognized and then I start krec. Then
> 1. you press the "new" file icon and the record button turns from grey to
> red
> 2. press the record button (which is now red)
> 3. press the X button when you want to finish recording
>    you get prompted for filename
> 4. done
> Note: the produced file is with extention .krec and is a gzip with raw
> audio in 16bit little endian, 44100, stereo, so you can do
>         zcat /tmp/test.krec | aplay -fcd
> to play it
> BR

Okay, so I went back into krec, gave it another try. I thought I was already 
doing pretty much what you said above in those steps, but the end result is 
the same. 

I don't actually see a new file icon, for what it's worth, but that choice is 
available in the menu under File (or by Ctrl-N). When I do that, I see a 
change at the top (beneath toolbars) to "file with no name", and when I look 
in the menu under Play, I see a red button for Record (or just use Ctrl-R); 
also there is a red button for record on my toolbar. 

There is no button for Stop that I can see, and nothing appears in the menus. 
There is an X in the toolbar, but that seems to mean just Close. When I hit 
it, I am told that the document has been modified, and asked if I want to 
save or discard it. Also, at the extreme lower right corner, there is a kind 
of counter or meter which is active, suggesting that I am recording 
something, or that krec wants me to believe that I am recording something; 
there are numbers showing Position and Size, which appear to be in minutes, 
seconds, maybe milliseconds or frames. Also, at the extreme upper left, there 
is a thin bar which on my machine appears to be purplish, and which I imagine 
to be some kind of graphic progress bar. Again, nothing happens: the think 
purplish bar remains the same. 

When I try to save the file, or export it to wav format, I get empty files of 
a few kilobytes. 

I cannot show you some of this, because ksnapshot disappears when I do 
anything with an active window, but here is a screenshot of my krec, which 
tells me that it is currently recording. See attachment. 


Attachment: krec-recording-20250307_113130.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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