Re: getting Logitech USB microphone to work with Audacity (or better solution) - off-topic - mostly RESOLVED

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William Morder via tde-users wrote:

> However, I never did manage to get krec going. For my own music, I prefer
> to use audacity to remove distortion, clipping, etc., and krec doesn't
> have many features like that. But for quick voice recordings, krec might
> be convenient, so I would like to get that running properly, if possible.
> I went through all different settings, read through the help manual and
> man pages, but nothing seemed to change. Usually, in fact, the record
> option wasn't even available, only playback; and when record did seem to
> work, it only produced some empty files of a few kb, which could not be
> played at all.

This is strange, because I have not done any special settings. I plug in the
mic (USB) it gets recognized and then I start krec. Then
1. you press the "new" file icon and the record button turns from grey to
2. press the record button (which is now red)
3. press the X button when you want to finish recording
   you get prompted for filename
4. done

Note: the produced file is with extention .krec and is a gzip with raw audio
in 16bit little endian, 44100, stereo, so you can do
        zcat /tmp/test.krec | aplay -fcd
to play it


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