Anno domini 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 22:40:54 +0100 Thierry de Coulon via tde-users scripsit: > I have to access such mail for work too. > > I use Prospect Mail - seems to be some wrapper around Outlook web. > > Actually it's terrible (I mean Outlook), but my school has decided to block > mail forwarding (don't understan why) so that was the only solution I found. I managed to activate mail forwarding: - one single mail was successfully forwarded - the forwarded mail was misssing the CC: and only had BCC: field filled in - It had no propper sender field - mail headers were a mess Outlook claimed it forwarded the mails, but I sould deactivate forwarding - propably for my own safety. ISP rejected all further forwarded mails due to malformed headers - or maybe M$ did not forward them, but just claimed to. So forwarding does not work any more. Nex plan: install evolution with evolution-ews. This almost worked, but 'cause there is 2FA active for the client and a passwordmanager on M$ desktop ("certified app" ... gotta be great, no?) is installed that is not capable to handle M$ 2FS requests, M$ 2FA does not offer SMS --> no way to get a token. Talking of hunting accidents where hunters tend to shoot themselfs from from behind and blame it on the bore. Anyway, entertainment is guaranteed on this treacherouse journey to M$ oauth2. > Sort of works - but will be deleted once I retire :) Something to look forward too :) Nik > > Thierry > ____________________________________________________ > tde-users mailing list -- users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Web mail archive available at > -- Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ... ____________________________________________________ tde-users mailing list -- users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Web mail archive available at