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- Subject: WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 2: Email Inventor Dr. Shiva Finds SAME IMPOSSIBLE BALLOT RATIO Feature in Michigan Results – WE CAUGHT THEM!
- From: Karl Swisher <k_swisher@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 05:32:15 -0500
- User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.11.0
WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 2: Email Inventor Dr. Shiva Finds SAME IMPOSSIBLE
BALLOT RATIO Feature in Michigan Results – WE CAUGHT THEM!
– Results Change Wisconsin Election – 30,000 Votes Switched from
President Trump to Biden
Report: Anti-Trump Dominion Voting Systems Security Chief Was
Participating in Antifa Calls, Posted Antifa Manifesto Letter to Trump
Notes:Lets hope they are on top of things enough so the passports of
these criminals are revoked. If needed turn people lose that haven't
done anything to anybody to make room.
GET READY: The Show Is Just Starting – Democrats Rigged the Voting
Machines, They Attempted a Steal – And They Got Caught
Notes:I feel certain that globalist Eric Coomer's definition of a great
America will be different than yours.
Dominion VP & Security Chief Allegedly Caught Participating in Antifa
Calls: ‘Don’t Worry About the Election, Trump’s Not Gonna Win. I Made
F*cking Sure of That!’
Trump Won "Tens Of Thousands" More New York City Votes In 2020 Than In 2016
Why GOP Loyalists And Candidates Keep Moving Left
The Google Election
Notes:Lock him up too.
Colorado Professor Compares Questioning Voting Results To Holocaust Denial
An Election Security Disaster – Hybrid Voting Machines (Part 1: Dominion
vs. The Experts)
The Great 2020 US Election Steal, coming to a country near you!
The enemy’s coup failed and their control of our Republic is slipping away
Twitter, Facebook Propagate Completely Fake Racist Kelly Loeffler Spoof
If Biden Gets Into the White House, This Will Be The Filthy Rich War
Hawks That Trump Failed To Prosecute Who Will Make Up His Foreign Policy
Georgia: Difference In President-Only Ballots Between Trump & Biden Is
Statistically Impossible – Indicates Obvious Election Fraud
PA Election Analysis: HUGE Anomalies & Indisputable Data
Notes:Article names evil Republicans and Democrats you know of and some
you may not know of. Just one big happy crime family stealing your
wealth, freedom, health and life.
From The Article:Staple Street Capital is a private equity firm founded
in 2009 based in New York.The co-founders Stephen D. Owens and Hootan
Yaghoobzadeh are veterans of The Carlyle Group and Cerberus Capital
Management, also the Board members of Dominion Voting.
The truth of deep state1:Staple Street Capital who owns Dominion Voting,
involves a huge political background
11/14/2020 Sidney Powell on Fox News: We can’t rely on the FBI to
investigate Dominion fraud machine, anybody who wants this country to
remain free needs to step up right now.
11/14/2020 Members of President Trump’s legal team have staggering
statistical evidence accusing Dominion’s software and machines of fraud
and foreign interference
Ron Klain, Joe Biden’s pick for chief of staff, once admitted elections
are rigged
CNN: Conservatives joining Parler a ‘threat to democracy’
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Attorney Marc Elias Was Behind Not One, But Two
Actions Messing In Georgia’s Election
Notes:Barr and Durham need to go.
REPORT: John Durham Dropping His Investigations into Spygate, “Worried
About Blowback From Joe Biden”
Notes:He quit.
Andrew McCabe's Corruption on Trump Targeting is Biden's Corruption!
Where is John Durham?
Will BIG TECH and BIG MEDIA Be Held Accountable for Colluding with the
Democrats In 2020 Election Fraud?
Notes:Go down 7 levels.
Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures: CIA May have Used
Dominion for Its Own Benefit – Gina Haspel Should be Fired Immediately!
“We’re Fixin’ to Overturn the Results of the Election in Multiple
States!” – Sidney Powell Releases the Kraken
Dominion Story Keeps Getting Worse: Ties to Clinton Foundation and Nancy
Pelosi; Their Security Chief is Antifa and Trump Hater; Wikipedia
Protects Them by Censoring Most of Their History
"I Concede Nothing": Trump Blasts "Fake News Media" For Saying He
Conceded To Biden
AT&T Reportedly Looking to Sell CNN
Was Election Software Rigged? Sidney Powell Lays Out the Trump Team's
Notes:If the good Republicans want to have a real Republican Party
instead of a hijacked one, here are some of the people they need to
remove from power either within the party or in office or both. They
are all evil.
Neocons Poised to Join New Government
Fitton: 2020 Election Update
If You Haven’t Quit Watching FOX News Yet… Watch this Clip of Leland
Vittert laughing at a Trump Spokeswoman and You Will — VIDEO
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Multiple Reversals and Proportional Vote Entries In
Virginia on Election Night after 11 PM Indicate Election Fraud Occurred
in This State Too
“It’s Massive, Criminal Voter Fraud! – It’s Going to Blow the Mind of
Everyone In This Country!” – Sidney Powell on Dominion Systems (VIDEO)
‘LOCK HER UP’: Trump Supporters Rally Outside Hillary Clinton’s Home
After News That Biden is Considering Her for Ambassador to the UN (VIDEO)
It Begins: Conservative Treehouse “Deplatformed” from WordPress
Sidney Powell: Smartmatic Voting Machine’s Chairman of the Board Peter
Neffenger Named to Joe Biden’s ‘Transition Team’
Wikileaks: Soros-Linked Voting Machines Now Used in Most Battleground
States Were Used to Rig the 2004 Venezuela Elections
Whistleblower and Dominion Staffer Saw Detroit Voter Fraud
Bill Gates Hired BLM ‘Students’ to Count Ballots in Battleground States
Reliance Industries Ltd. to Invest $50 Million in Bill Gates & Grorge
Soros Owned Breakthrough Energy Ventures
Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: "We're Getting Ready To Overturn Election
Results In Multiple States"
Notes:He definitely needs a rope put around his neck.
What Is John Brennan So Worried About?
Biden's Cancer Charity Took In Millions, Spent Big On Salaries But
Nothing On Research
Trump Supporters in Washington DC Chant “FOX News Sucks!” at
#StopTheSteal March and Rally (VIDEO)
Notes:Just like Hitlers Brown Shirts except instead of it being only
Jews it is everyone who is not them.
Stabbing Reported in DC As Proud Boys and Antifa Clash in Streets of
Nation’s Capital
Young Trump Supporting Couple Terrorized By Antifa in DC, Attacked by
Biden’s America: Trump Supporters Attacked Eating Dinner in DC; Bottles,
Fireworks Thrown by Antifa Thugs
Female Trump Supporter Gets Punched in the Back of the Head by Black
Lives Matter Goon in Washington DC (VIDEO)
Trump Supporter Family Attacked by Black Lives Matter Mob in DC
Trump Supporter Brutally Attacked and Bloodied by Mob of Black Lives
Matter Thugs in DC (VIDEO)
VIDEO: DC Police Blocked Off Trump Supporters and Forced Them to Walk
Through BLM Mob Where They Knew They’d Be Attacked
Ex-Vatican Insider: The Great Reset Will Be Used to ‘Drastically Limit’
Human Freedom
Notes:In order to accomplish this in the US it has to be made a RICO
infringement so you can confiscate the assets of Rockefeller, Bush,
Clinton, Soros and many others we don't know their names yet. Take it
all and leave them with nothing but a jail cell at best.
From The Article:“On a political level, everything must be done to make
sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be
able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their
corrupt agendas.”
Crimes Against Humanity: Fraudulent PCR Tests Taken to Court — Interview
with Lawyer Reiner Füllmich
Lockdowns Haven't Brought Down COVID Mortality, But They Have Killed
Millions Of Jobs
Government Expects “High Volume Of Adverse Events” From Pfizer’s
SARS-COV-2 RNA Vaccine
Notes:It feels like a common cold because it is a common cold.
From The Article:"My symptoms are that of a minor cold, which is no
surprise, since a coronavirus is a type of cold," Musk said on Twitter
on Saturday.
Elon Musk Confirms He "Likely" Has A "Moderate Case" Of COVID
Fauci: Social Distancing, Masks Still Necessary After Getting
Coronavirus Vaccine
BREAKING: Michigan House Member Files to Impeach Governor Gretchen Whitmer
CNN’s Jake Tapper to Fauci: “Christmas is Probably Not Going to be
Possible” (VIDEO)
Is Another "Crisis" Imminent: The Fed Must Double QE In 2021 But It
Needs A Catalyst
Election Distraction Has Taken Eyes Off Our Economic Ills
Bay Area Food Bank Now Serves 500k Working-Poor As Demand "Doubles"
Anyone claiming to be a Democrat after the 2020 Presidential race is knowingly
supporting criminals. Republicans are just the other side of the same
Covid-19 test will return positive results if you ever had:
1. Any virus in the covid family
2. Seasonal Influenza Virus A
3. Seasonal Influenza Virus B
4. Seasonal Influenza Virus C
5. Seasonal Influenza Virus D
How could a test developed almost 40 years ago be used to diagnose a brand
new disease found less than one year ago? ~ Spiro Skouras, Activist
We the people have three options.
1. Accept the vaccine and implanted chip.
2. Starve to death.
3. Fight back.
The number of COVID-1984 deaths in a given area is determined by the number
of doctors that falsify death certificates according to the new
WHO/CDC guidelines by reversing the cause of death that they
normally would do.
If you don't believe me when I say evil people can get control of a
government, go ask the Germans, they will tell you. ~ Jesse Ventura
A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the
truth. – Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Truth for Nazi Germany.
People that don't question authority make good Nazis.
The term New World Order was first termed by Adolph Hitler.
The same media that lied to you about Russiagate is keeping you updated
on covid.
The effectiveness of the flu shot last year (2019) was 23 percent according
to official CDC statistics. ~ Humans Are Free
Government solutions are worse than the problem ~ Michael Maharrey
“Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live
at the expense of everybody else.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed
they must rely exclusively on force.” ~ George Orwell
“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of
tyrants.” ~ Albert Camus (2012). “Resistance, Rebellion, and Death:
Essays”, p.101, Vintage
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who
speak it. ~ George Orwell
Once the elite have achieved their goals, they will do to BLM what Hitler did
to the Brown Shirts.
Covid-19 is so contagious the health department only needs your contact info
to render a positive result.
Covid-19 lockdowns are not to keep people safe but rather make them more
willing to take a vaccine to get out of house arrest.
Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the
third world ~ Henry Kissinger
If the government forces depopulation upon us Bill Gates will be the
least missed person.
How long will it be before the government tells us to wear plastic bags over
our face?
N95 respirators filter particles down to 0.3 microns. Coronavirus itself
measures between .05 and 0.2 microns in diameter. ~ Business Insider
COVID-19 is the swamp that Trump failed to drain talking.
Ever wonder why the US is illogically battling a virus that kills fewer
people than TB? ~ Bill Sardi
The Big Government Party has two wings. One is Democrat and the other is
Want to know why 1300 major corporate US CEOs took their payouts last
year and resigned? ~ Bill Sardi
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance. It is the illusion of
knowledge.” ~ Stephen Hawking
Why does America have a man with Alzheimer’s running for President? ~
Bill Sardi
Why do our leaders tolerate Dr. Anthony Fauci putting American shop and
restaurant owners out of business when neither they or any of their
customers are at significant risk for COVID-19 coronavirus killing
them, ever? Do we lockdown the population because some people die
of the flu? ~ Bill Sardi
The tail wags the dog again.
“Governments have no right or authority to tell us what business or other
activity is ‘essential.’ Only in totalitarian states does the
government claim this authority.” ~ Ron Paul
“The only element in the universe more common than hydrogen is stupidity.”
~ Einstein
National Association Of Gun Rights is no longer a grass roots organization.
It has been hijacked by big government establishment Republicans.
If the government hasn't gotten it right yet they probably never will and
should stop trying.
Tax breaks without a corresponding reduction in government spending only
shifts the tax burden to others.
From Commentaries on the Laws of England which was the guide to creating the
United States Constitution:
“For the law holds, that it is better that ten guilty persons escape, than
that one innocent suffer.” ~ Sir William Blackstone 1783
“It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its
government.” ~ Thomas Paine
Where liberty is, there is my country. ~ Benjamin Franklin
We have a zombied dollar. It is already dead but still walking.
Socialism itself, builds nothing. It lives off the accumulated wealth created
by a society based on private property. ~ Tom Woods
The difference between the debt based prosperity we have now and real
prosperity is that you get to keep real prosperity.
Chaos created by having no government is much less dangerous than chaos
created by government.
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their
own understanding of their history.” ~ George Orwell
In Russian Pravda means "Truth".
God made West Virginia Almost Heaven. Democrats and Republicans make it
almost like hell.
Trump at bat.
Strike 1 - Has yet to fulfill campaign promise to bring troops home
from the Middle East and vetoed a bill to do so. Has since
sent more troops there. Moving troops from Northern Syria
to Iraq changes nothing.
Strike 2 - Appointed John Bolton as National Security Adviser and
Mike Pompeo as Secretary Of State.
Strike 3 - More concerned about building a border wall than eliminating
the real reason they come here, for the hand outs.
Strike Out 1
Strike 1 - Intervening in Venezuela and trying to start a war Iran.
Strike 2 - Has delusional thinking that someone else other than the
American consumer will pay for tariffs.
Strike 3 - During the campaign Trump correctly stated that the
government economic numbers were phony. Then after
being elected those same government numbers are now good
Strike Out 2
Strike 1 - Allowed the Russian witch hunt to switch the discussion
away from Hillary Clinton's high crimes.
Strike 2 - White House adviser Jared Kushner attends Bilderberg meeting.
Any population reduction should start first with the people who want to see
the population reduced.
Just about every President except for the first few have committed impeachable
offenses. They commit one each time they sign a budget bill.
The History Channel is becoming to history what MTV is to music.
There is junk science and there is junk education.
False labeling is just as bad as fake news.
Democrats and Republicans both love illegal US wars ~ Ron Paul
The War on Cash Is A War on Liberty ~ Ron Paul
The government is a perfect example of Einstein's definition of insanity.
But they don't just do the same thing over and over again, they
usually do more of the same thing each time over and over again
it will work this time, each time.
If you have to ask permission you are not free. ~ Michael Badnarik
I use to think George H.W. Bush was the worst President we ever had until
Clinton, Bush's son and Obama were elected.
If a government must provide subsidies to lure businesses to startup
or relocate in their area, should raise a red flag that their
taxes are too high supporting too much government.
We have two political parties in America, each worse than the
other. ~ P. J. O'Rourke
And what's worst of all about these two political parties is that
on Tuesday, November 6 both of them won. ~ P. J. O'Rourke
I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy
investment of the bankers. There are only two things we
should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the
other is the Bill Of Rights. War for any other reason is
simply a racket. ~ Major General Smedley D. Butler
1881-1940, former commandant of the US Marine Corp and 2
time Medal Of Honor winner.
People who read nothing at all are more informed than people who
get their information from newspapers. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Before you can Make America Great Again you have to Make America
Free Again
You only waste your vote when you vote for something you don't want.
Politicians Make the Promises – You and Your Children Pay for Them
Democratic Socialism where everything is free except you.
A government program is a blood transfusion from your right arm to
your left arm but you spill half the blood on the floor.
Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.~ Milton Friedman
When It Comes to Taxes, the Government Always Wants More ~ Reason Staff
West Virginia is always last or next to last for two reasons. One
is Democrat and the other is Republican.
Changing your vote from Democrat to Republican or Republican to
Democrat has not and will not work and has gotten us
where we are today.
Anyone that doesn't know the difference between non-intervention
and isolationism should never be allowed to hold power.
Main Stream Media reports as accurate news as the National Enquirer.
Abraham Lincoln was the first 3rd party President elected. In 1860
the Republican Party was a 3rd party.
What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away
your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much
else. ~ Tom Clancy
A government powerful enough to give you everything you want is
powerful enough to take everything you got.
Scripted reality TV is not reality and non libertarian solutions
are not solutions.
US Debt Clock - West Virginia
The people are suppose to know almost everything the government does
and the government suppose to know very little about what
the people do. We have the reverse where the people know
very little about what the government does and the government
knows almost everything the people do. ~ Glenn Greenwald
"If you don't read the news you are uninformed and if you read the
news you are misinformed." ~ Mark Twain
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by
those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein
Individual Prosperity = Self Interest - Taxes - Regulations
Remember a properly neutered government won't have the balls to try what
ours does.
World Gold Council says 198,000 Tons above ground. 35,000 Tons owned by central banks.
That means 155,000 Tons privately owned.
United States 8,133.5 Tons Unverifiable
Germany Private Individuals 8,918 Tons
Germany Central Bank 3,374 Tons Over 50% held in Frankfurt.
Germany Central Bank 3,386 Tons As Of 09-30-2019
Germany (private owned) 9,000 Tons
Germany Central Bank 3,364.2 Tons As Of 05-31-2020
Germany Central Bank 3,363.6 Tons As Of 08-31-2020
IMF 2,814 Tons As Of 05-31-2020
Russia 2,113 Tons As Of 12-31-2018
Russia 2119.20 Tons As Of 04-30-2019
Russia 2,200 Tons AS Of 09-12-2019
Russia 2,299.2 Tons AS Of 05-31-2020
China 395.01 Tons As Of 06-30-2000
China 1,852.50 Tons As Of 12-31-2018
China 1,864.30 Tons As Of 04-30-2019
China 1,925.26 Tons As Of 05-31-2019
China 1,935.56 Tons As Of 06-30-2019
China 1,948.3 Tons As Of 05-31-2020
China (private owned) 20,000 Tons
Italy 2,451.8 Tons 04-01-2019
Italy 2,451.8 Tons 05-31-2020
Italy (private owned) 5,8000 Tons
France 2,436.0 Tons 04-01-2019
France 2,436.0 Tons 05-31-2020
France (private owned) 4,000+ Tons
Japan 765.2 Tons
Japan 765.2 Tons as of 05-31-2020
Sweden 1040.0 Tons
Poland has 228.6 Tons as of 10-31-2019
Switzerland 1,040.0 as of 05-31-2020
India 641.8 as of 05-31-2020
Netherlands 612.5 as of 05-31-2020
ECB 504.8 as of 05-31-2020
Turkey 485.2 as of 05-31-2020
Taiwan 422.4 as of 05-31-2020
Kazakhstan 388.3 as of 05-31-2020
Portugal 382.5 as of 05-31-2020
Saudi Arabia 323.1 as of 05-31-2020
United Kingdom 310.3 as of 05-31-2020
Lebanon 286.8 as of 05-31-2020
Venezuela 2014 364 Tons
Venezuela 2018 160 Tons
Venezuela August 2019 100 Tons
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