On 2019-04-10 03:24:24 Thierry de Coulon wrote: > On Wednesday 10 April 2019 05.46:36 J Leslie Turriff wrote: > > Notice from the name of this thread that I'm looking for a way to have > > two-up icons in vertical panels. > > I've done some trials. > > I have a "main panel" with application icons (not a "quick launcher", > simply application icons from the "start" menu). > > I can add a second panel and organize it the same. > > I can stack the two panels on the left side of the desktop, side by side, > so I have two rows of application icons, which to me looks "two-up". Is > this not what you are looking for? (look at the screen capture)? That is indeed what I'm looking for. When I tried to get that to work there were some problems (I can't remember what) that prompted me to open this thread. I will try it again and see what happens. > > I must admit I'm very puzzled as to what the other types of panels are > supposed to be/do. > > I can add a so-called "universal" sidebar, but it seems you can add only > folders and a few special apps to it (bookmarks, newsticker and so). I can > have these two bars side by side (so sort of "two-up") but as I can't put > anything useful in the "universal" bar... > > As to the "Dock Application Bar", it's a complete mystery to me: I get a > (very) large grey band, empty, un-resizable, and I don't seem to be able to > add anything. It does not either work as a task bar. Anyone has an idea? > > > Thierry --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: trinity-users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Read list messages on the web archive: http://trinity-users.pearsoncomputing.net/ Please remember not to top-post: http://trinity.pearsoncomputing.net/mailing_lists/#top-posting