Anno domini 2019 Tue, 12 Mar 18:50:50 -0700 Dan Youngquist scripsit: > On 03/12/2019 06:20 PM, Felix Miata wrote: > > The 9 March starter spam is pure forgery. > > As far as I can tell, they're not forgeries; they appear to be legitimately > sent via an Earthlink server using your email credentials. Of course I > can't be 100% sure, which is why I've been trying to get you to change your > email password to test the theory. > > So I ask again: Have you, or have you not, changed your email password > since these spams started? If you haven't, will you please do so now so we > can see if we can stop the spams? > > Frankly, it's a bit shocking how unconcerned you seem to be about the > possibility that your account has been hacked. It's as easy as this: hack any Earthink account (A) and use sender ID of any other Earhlink account (B), send mails with account of A and ID of B and you have an authentic mail sent by B. Not even worth bothering. Nik -- Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ... --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: trinity-users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Read list messages on the web archive: Please remember not to top-post: