On Friday 05 October 2018 12:31:14 Felmon Davis wrote: > On Fri, 5 Oct 2018, Kate Draven wrote: > >> E. Liddel's messages *always* go to spam in my case as well as one or > >> two others. no loss since I regularly check and haul them out but then > >> they are not in sequence. my address hides the fact it is a gmail > >> system. I should write a filter. > >> > >> f. > >> > >> -- > >> Felmon Davis > >> > >> --------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > > I noticed the same thing. Even though I have green lighted E. Liddel's > > messages, they still end up in spam. So I have to fish them out as well. > > > > A friend at google says it happens because their filtering setups, are > > designed to favour paid adverts and spam tag nonpaying competitors. He > > guesses E. Liddel, must be similar enough to a nonpaying competitor to > > be filtered into spam. > > > > Honestly I think they have it out for Liddel. > > if he's being punished so much, he must be doing something wrong. Not true! We must presume his innocence unless where we have no reason to believe otherwise. Besides, I have been thought suspicious myself on occasion, when I was guilty only of being a stranger in those parts. Also, as I've pointed out before, the enigmatic Liddell (with two Ls, as in Alice-in-Wonderland Liddell, as in Liddell & Scott), might not be a "he" at all, as I've never noticed any clues about gender; indeed, our E.Liddell could be a Chesire cat with opposable thumbs. The E maybe stands for Euphonious, a good cat name; or perhaps is an allusion to the letter E at Delphi? https://www.loebclassics.com/view/plutarch-moralia_e_delphi/1936/pb_LCL306.195.xml http://penelope.uchicago.edu/misctracts/plutarchE.html ;-) My own guess is that he might use the same address for something else besides our mailing list, or that his name or address is similar enough to an actual spammer, and gets him marked as spam because he got on some master list used by Google, Zoho and others. Or something like that. > > > Cheers to all > > Kate > > > > PS Whenever I see an email from Felmon, I always think Felonious Monk, > > and then think of the Monk series. Which only proves, I have a strange > > mind. No offense Felmon. > > I had to look that one up. I was familiar with Thelonious Monk, guess > you intend a pun. there is, as it happens, a Felonious Munk, who is > some kind of comedian. > > I like to believe that my name is some kind of 'corruption' of > Philemon to whom St. Paul wrote a somewhat infamous letter. > > but frankly, I don't know. > > f. Actually, I think that *Felmon* is probably a corruption of *fell* and *man*; or as we would say nowadays, you're the fall guy. By the way, as long as we are waxing both poetic and silly, I'd like to point out that my alter-ego, Dr Contendo, was not meant to imply that I like to argue. (Since we seem to get into a lot of trivial disputes in this mailing list, I will offer the apologia that I actually have little taste for argument, except in the academic sense.) I originally took it from Marlon Brando's line in *On the Waterfront*: "I coulda bin a contenduh!" And then, after a little research, I recalled that there are a host of other meanings in Latin, and most obscure of which is "I tune up [a musical instrument]" ... https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/contendo ... which suggested to me a famous incident told in one of the "lives" of the Buddha, the episode just before he goes off to meditate under the Tree and achieve his supreme awakening. There are also other meanings such as striving, pushing forward, etc., which sort of suggests the lines from Paul's Gospel, "I have fought the good fight, I have run the race." In other words, I have almost got there, but not quite. Now, if we could just all get along here, this will eventually lead to World Peace ... or at least, peace in my own world. Another few turns on the wheel, and my soul will be in tune at last. Bill --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: trinity-users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Read list messages on the web archive: http://trinity-users.pearsoncomputing.net/ Please remember not to top-post: http://trinity.pearsoncomputing.net/mailing_lists/#top-posting