I can only speak for myself but I like to play games and some are Windows only but a lot of them will run under wine. A perfect example is Doom 2016 there is no Linux client but it runs pretty well under wine and I am a huge Doom/ID fan going back to the first release in the early 90s of Doom 1 and even further back of the original Wolfenstein going back to the early 80s. I don't trust Windows and I will go without a game rather than install it to play a game but if I can get the game to run then why not? I go the extra mile and buy Linux versions when they are available and I will write the company and ask (nicely) for a port, I just recently bought the last Tomb Raider as it didn't work well under wine unless you had a system much better than mine and they didn't have a Linux client. As soon as they did though I like the franchise and I am glad they did it is a really fun game.
On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 10:21 AM, William Morder <doctor_contendo@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wednesday 15 August 2018 05:38:30 Pisini, John wrote:
> Don't use Debian Multimedia with Jessie if you use wine it completely hoses
> the sound in any wine programs.
Better yet, don't use wine at all, as Linux usually has better software than
anything in Windoze, so I don't see why anybody would take the trouble of
trying to run wine to emulate them. But we all have different needs, so I
will try not to judge....
Myself, however, I prefer VideoLAN or the MEPIS / mx / antiX repositories. I
would use deb-multimedia as a last resort. Also you must be sure that you get
the "genuine" deb-multimedia, not the fake site and repository that somebody
else is hosting.