I am under Ubuntu 14.04 and TDE 14.04 too.
This Ubuntu Advantage is not installed on my system so I assume it is
not required.
However I installed TDE from the live TDE image so I did not installed
Ubuntu separately.
I think it is safe to remove completely this Ubuntu Advantage but it is
your choice...
On 17-08-09 05:20 PM, dep wrote:
said midi-pascal:
| Hi,
| To see what is this "Ubuntu Advantage" you can go there:
| https://buy.ubuntu.com/
| and see if you need this thing or not...
of course, i don't. i was concerned that it got onto my machine in the
first place and wondered if they'd insinuated it into something critical
so that it couldn't be readily uninstalled.
likewise the windows-style pop-up updater that somehow has come to live
here on 14.04 (ubuntu 14.04, not TDE 14.04).
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