On 09/17/2016 03:21 PM, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
On Saturday 17 September 2016 04.35:28 Nathan Rugg wrote:
On 09/17/2016 09:57 AM, Kate Draven wrote:
I recently installed Trinity and everything is going well except that
konqueror classifies all files with no extension as octet-stream. Any
idea how to fix that problem? If I use `file` from the command line like
this `file --mime-type FILENAME`, it will give the correct mime type.
GTK programs also work correctly. It appears to be something specific
with TDE.
Hello Nathan,
You don't say what distribution you installed on, nor what type the files
really are. You don't say either why you have files without extension. Do
they come from another system (I mostly know Windows and Mac users to create
such as their OS/UI hide the extensions by default).
I tried to duplicate your problem here (openSUSE 13.1 + TDE 14) but I can't:
- If I remove the extension to LibreOffice files, Konqueror still identifies
them correctly
- If I create files without extension (I can't do that with LibreOffice, by
the way) with kedit, I get this:
An empty text file is seen as "unknown", Konqueror asks me to choose the
program to open it.
If I type a few words into the file, it gets identified as "plain text"
So it seems to me that Konqueror actually has a way to analyse the file. This
might point to a problem in identifying your files.
Anyway, I am not sure your problem is TDE specific, at least as long as it is
a problem of "no extension", because here Konqueror does not classify files
without extension as octet-stream. There seems to be someting specific also
to your files.
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Hi Thierry,
Thanks for the reply. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04.1.
To clarify, if I rename any file, like a .jpg, .txt, .odt, etc and
remove the extension Konqueror can't identify them. It treats it as an
octet-stream. It was working a few days ago. I don't know what happened
or how to fix it. Nautilus and other non-TDE programs recognize the
files correctly without an extension, but Konqueror can't.
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