On 09/17/2016 09:57 AM, Kate Draven wrote:
I recently installed Trinity and everything is going well except that
konqueror classifies all files with no extension as octet-stream. Any
idea how to fix that problem? If I use `file` from the command line like
this `file --mime-type FILENAME`, it will give the correct mime type.
GTK programs also work correctly. It appears to be something specific
with TDE.
Use kcontrol or tcontrol? Either way go to file associations. Usually under
kde/TDE Components. I don't have a TDE computer in front of me now so I'm
only going be memory. This should be enough to get you there.
However, I have to point out that it seems odd that the distro can't identify
the files.
Hope this helps,
Hi Kate,
Thanks for the reply. I've looked in the File Associations settings, but
I can't see a way to fix files without an extension. Files with an
extension are recognized just fine. But konqueror should be able to
check the magic number thing to determine the type of a file, but
something caused this to stop working.
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