Uwe is saying to use and as your DNS servers just to check. The system may not be able to reach the old ones regularly. The above ones are Google's and they do allow or at least don't stop people from using them.
On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 6:14 AM, Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Friday 16 September 2016 10:55:23 Uwe Brauer wrote:
> > On Thursday 15 September 2016 15:04:01 Uwe Brauer wrote:
> >
> > Try
> > and
> > and see if it helps.
> > Change it back if it doesn't!
> >
> > We haven't really got enough information about the network.
> I am not sure what you mean.
> Static Ip
> Gateway
> DNS Server
> DNS Server
> These are the data I inserted in Kubuntu's systemsettings and the wired
> connection works, I tried the same setting (as my screenshot indicated)
> but the wired connection does not work.
That doesn't say what the network is.
If using only TDENetworkManager doesn't work, why not try using only Kubuntu?
Meanwhile, get up the wireless access that works then do:
$ ip addr
and post the result, to see if it will give either me or someone else a clue
as to your network.
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John Pisini
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