On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 12:17 PM ashok athukuri <athukuriashok@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hello, > > In my Linux box, Initially both services "systemd-timedated.service" and "systemd-timesyncd.service" are inactive > When I executed command: > #timedatectl set-ntp true > Failed to set ntp: Connection timed out > > But I see both service are started sequentially in the above order, wonder why its causing timeout. > Wonder why sometimes it is causing a system reset ? > > I also can't see logs using #journalctl -fu systemd-timedated.service > > Do I need to start "systemd-timedated.service" instead of inactive service ? > > Thanks for the help. > > Thanks, > Ashok So..you system reboots on that action ? or what do you mean with system reset ? No, you don't need to start systemd-timedated.service, it starts by itself when needed that error: "Failed to set ntp: Connection timed out" happens when timedatectl failed to talk to timedated for a pretty long time..suggesting there is something horrible wrong with your system.