-----------------------------***----------------------------- >From the Surface Transportation Board, Washington, D.C. -----------------------------***----------------------------- Surface Transportation Board Chairman Roger Nober today announced that the parties have reached a mediated settlement in the first case filed under the Board's small rate case guidelines. Consequently, the Complainant has requested that its complaint be dismissed. Chairman Nober said: "I congratulate the parties on reaching a mediated settlement of this dispute. This settlement shows that problems can best be resolved at the negotiating table. I thank the Board staff for their able assistance in this mediation, and I thank the parties for their hard work in bringing this matter to a successful resolution. This also demonstrates that our small rate case guidelines can provide an effective process for resolving disputes." The letter requesting dismissal of the case is available for viewing and downloading via the agency Web site at http://www.stb.dot.gov. It was filed in the case entitled BP Amoco Chemical Company v. Norfolk Southern Railway Company, STB Docket No. 42093. ### -----------------------------***----------------------------- If you have received this e-mail in error or wish to unsubscribe from STB News, please send an e-mail message to stbnewslistserver@xxxxxxxxxxx and place "unsubscribe stbnews" as the body of the message.