> 2010/2/12 <simon@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Dear All,
>> I Have the following setup running for a couple of years without any
>> problem.
>> Centos 5
>> sendmail-8.13.8-2.el5
>> httpd-2.2.3-11.el5_1
>> squirrelmail-1.4.17
>> MailScanner 4.76.25
>> Mailwatch 1.04
>> Just yesterday I found a huge spam being originated from my Mail Server
>> and my mqueue had over 800 emails
>> here is some infomation I got from mailwatch
> Did you check your web server access log to confirm that these
> messages were sent using webmail? Your maillog is also a good source
> of information. You should read those and confirm you know how and
> where the attacker used your system.
>> ----
>> Received: from webmail.baladia.gov.kw (kmdns1.kmun.gov.kw [xx.xx.xx.xx])
>> by kmdns1.kmun.gov.kw (8.13.8/8.13.8) with ESMTP id o1CIKBGo015425;
>> Fri, 12 Feb 2010 21:20:11 +0300
>> Received: from
>> (SquirrelMail authenticated user kkharafi)
>> by webmail.baladia.gov.kw with HTTP;
>> Fri, 12 Feb 2010 21:21:56 +0300 (AST)
>> Message-ID:
>> <60fa0f24708364e202bfa32c4a41083a.squirrel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 21:21:56 +0300 (AST)
>> From: "SGT. HENRY PETER" <sgthenrypeter1111@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Reply-To: sgthenrypeter4@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> User-Agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.17
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=windows1256
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>> X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
>> Importance: Normal
>> From: sgthenrypeter1111@xxxxxxxxxxxx [Add to Whitelist | Add to
>> Blacklist]
>> To: emitchell@xxxxxxxx
>> corey@xxxxxxxx
>> chris.garcia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> donnae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> dkay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> capric77@xxxxxxxxxx
>> ellen.richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> contact@xxxxxxxx
>> dawn.miller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> hardwood@xxxxxxxxx
>> chipper@xxxxxxxxx
>> gene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> broberts@xxxxxxxxxx
>> boyanzhu@xxxxxxxx
>> cristinamercado@xxxxxxxxxx
>> ftortorice@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> dashby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> goffin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> gfinn@xxxxxxxx
>> dsaxon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> dianm@xxxxxxxxxx
>> czucal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> diamante@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> gladys@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> caroline@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> donna.barlow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> gcalabrese@xxxxxxxxxx
>> fstrobel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> (SquirrelMail authenticated user kkharafi)
>> by webmail.baladia.gov.kw with HTTP;
>> Fri, 12 Feb 2010 21:21:56 +0300 (AST)
>> please note that kkharafi is my local mail user
>> I have about 200 mail users and all the users have a shell as nologin as
>> a
>> additional security
> "additional security" would be creating a system where your mail users
> don't have local accounts at all.
>> ----------------
>> On further investigations i found about 10 users whos Folders==>
>> Personal
>> Information has been modified .
>> here i just paste the .pref file of one user
>> show_html_default=0
>> javascript_on=1
>> hililist=a:0:{}
>> archivefilenames=6
>> archiveattachments=1
>> archivetype=0
>> archiveent=1
>> spamcop_method=web_form
>> todo_first_login=0
>> email_address=kkharafi@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> identities=3
>> full_name1=Oceanic Bank Nigeria Plc
>> email_address1=info@xxxxxxx
>> reply_to1=atmcard.dept01@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> full_name2=SGT. HENRY PETER
>> email_address2=sgthenrypeter1111@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> reply_to2=sgthenrypeter4@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> --------
>> no all the 10 users have personal information under folders being
>> changed
>> with different information
>> I have just changed the password of my local user kkharafi and will wait
>> to see any instance of spam again.
>> I do can understand if one user had his password being cracked or
>> probably
>> a virus on his PC could have changed his personal information squirrel
>> mail.
>> But its about 10 different local email users who had their personal
>> Information being changed in squirrel mail
>> so im confused and wondering how it could happen
> Poor user password selection? The fact that you are running an
> outdated version of SquirrelMail? You tell us, please.
>> I do apprecite if someone could help me out and advice me as to what
>> could
>> be done so as to avoid such issues.
> Use plugins like Lockout and/or CAPTCHA as well as Restrict Senders
> and Squirrel Logger.
> --
> Paul Lesniewski
> SquirrelMail Team
> Please support Open Source Software by donating to SquirrelMail!
> http://squirrelmail.org/donate_paul_lesniewski.php
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> SOLARIS 10 is the OS for Data Centers - provides features such as DTrace,
> Predictive Self Healing and Award Winning ZFS. Get Solaris 10 NOW
> http://p.sf.net/sfu/solaris-dev2dev
> -----
> squirrelmail-users mailing list
> Posting guidelines: http://squirrelmail.org/postingguidelines
> List address: squirrelmail-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> List archives: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.mail.squirrelmail.user
> List info (subscribe/unsubscribe/change options):
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/squirrelmail-users
> --
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> believed to be clean.
Dear Guys,
Thanks a lot for the quick reply . and specially to you Paul for the great
infact i have changed the password of all the 10 users whose OPtions ==>
Personal Inormafation had been changed in squirrel mail and until now
there is no spam problem .
I do see in my /var/secure logs that 2 of the users whos personal
information was changed are denied logon access to squirrel mail.
I will also now upgrade my squirrel mail and also implement the pluggins
you have suggested
Once again thanks and apprecite so much
Network ADMIN
This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.
SOLARIS 10 is the OS for Data Centers - provides features such as DTrace,
Predictive Self Healing and Award Winning ZFS. Get Solaris 10 NOW
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Posting guidelines: http://squirrelmail.org/postingguidelines
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