I'm upto building a SOHO server based on Debian Etch, number of users about 20. I can send/receive emails - it is work simply fine! Problem arise around faxing capabilities, usign courierfax mail-fax gateway. I can not receive FAX TRANSMISSION RECEIPT which need: "The sender will receive a fax transmission receipt if the sender requests an ESMTP delivery status notification. This is the -N option to sendmail(8): sendmail -Nsuccess 5556666@fax <messagefile " Emails handled also suspiciouse, I fill no difference between "On Read" and "On Delivery" notification - every time I have message that the sender need an acknowledge, and I have receive acknowledge about the message was read. I suspect, that no difference between "receipt" notification "On Read" and "On Delievry". Also suspect that this problem goes back to squrellmail version 1.4.4 what I have been use now - old server. Unfortunatelly, I'm not to smart in PHP and not sure how to check this out. Please give me some help, please. Squirrelmail version 1.4.9a Using only Built in plugins: message_details, squirrelspell, about_take, calendar, newmail PHP version is php5 5.2.0-8-etch10 WEB server apache2 2.2.3-4-etch4 IMAP server courier-imap SMTP server courier-mta 0.53.3-5 Debian/GNU Linux 4.0 Etch linux-image-2.6.18-5-686 2.6.18.dfsg.1-17 Squirrelmail was installed as Debian packages squirrelmail 1.4.9a-2 squirrelmail-decode 1.1-2 squirrelmail-locales 1.4.9-20070106-1 Browser tried FireFox version on windows XP Prof SP2 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; hu; rv: Gecko/20071008 Firefox/ Specifally, I have use language hu_HU and character set UTF-8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/vse0120000070mrt/direct/01/ ----- squirrelmail-users mailing list Posting guidelines: http://squirrelmail.org/postingguidelines List address: squirrelmail-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx List archives: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.mail.squirrelmail.user List info (subscribe/unsubscribe/change options): https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/squirrelmail-users