Re: Squirrelmail error on two mailboxes (\"The server couldn't find the message you requested\")

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First, thanks for the reply!

Have you tried removing dovecot index files?

Unfortunately, that didn't help.

Have you checked newer dovecot version? Some dovecot 1.0 versions returned
invalid responses to UID FETCH command. 0.99.14 works correctly. I don't
know if issue is present in other 0.99.x versions.

It was on my list of server specs. It's the standard Dovecot that comes with Redhat Enterprise 4 (CentOS 4). The version is 0.99.11-4.EL4.

I have removed all existing messages from the account, sent one new test message, and it still has the same problem. I'm attaching a copy of the mail file in question, as the problem can be easily reproduced just with this one file.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Set up new user account
2) Copy "testuser" mail file to your mail spool directory
3) Update file name or ownership, as necessary
4) Check with Squirrelmail

You'll see one test message, but you should get the error when you try to read it.

If it is indeed a Dovecot problem, why does regular IMAP work fine but not Squirrelmail? If necessary, I suppose I can install a newer Dovecot, but I'd much rather stick with the packages that come from the OS repository. (Otherwise, it makes it harder to keep the software up to date)

Jason Byrns
Production Manager
System Administrator
402-328-8600 ext. 653
>From spanky@xxxxxxxxxxxx  Fri Mar  9 11:53:01 2007
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Test message.

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