I have installed Squirrelmail in a a mail server and it is working with
Sendmail and Dovecot. Squirrelmail works fine but the problem that I am having is that when I enter the webmail interface only the INBOX folder is shown, I mean, the Trash, Sent and Drafts folders are not shown. If I go to Options --> Folder Preferences, in the Special Folders section I only have for example in Trash Folder [Do not use Trash] or INBOX as options, the same for Sent Folder and Draft Folder. If I select INBOX I obtain an error so I suppose that an option for example use Trash folder is missing there. I set the follow configuration which I found in the FAQ but I still have this problem imap_server_type = dovecot or other default_folder_prefix = <none> (is set to empty string) trash_folder = Trash sent_folder = Sent draft_folder = Drafts show_prefix_option = false default_sub_of_inbox = false show_contain_subfolders_option = false optional_delimiter = detect delete_folder = false force_username_lowercase = true I don't know if this s configuration issue or something else. I am using Dovecot 0.99.13 and Squirrelmail 1.4.8-1.3.4. My server operating system is CentOS 4.4. Thanks in advance for any clue to solve this matter. |
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