I subscribe to the squirrelmail-users mailing list. [ ] True - No need to CC me when replying [X] False - Please CC me when replying This bug occurs when I try to set the interface language to "german" The description of the bug: I can't set the interface language to german. other languages work, even japanese and such. I can reproduce the bug by: switching to any language other than german in my display preferences, hit "refresh", switch back to german, and hit "refresh" again. some 3rdparty plugins even DO display german text, but "mainstream" squirrelmail 1.4.7 displays english. ---------------------------------------------- My browser information: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.3 (like Gecko) My web server information: PHP Version 4.1.0 PHP Extensions (List) * 0 = yp * 1 = xslt * 2 = xml * 3 = wddx * 4 = sysvshm * 5 = sysvsem * 6 = swf * 7 = standard * 8 = snmp * 9 = shmop * 10 = session * 11 = posix * 12 = pgsql * 13 = pcre * 14 = openssl * 15 = odbc * 16 = mysql * 17 = mcrypt * 18 = mcal * 19 = mbstring * 20 = ldap * 21 = imap * 22 = gmp * 23 = gettext * 24 = gd * 25 = ftp * 26 = filepro * 27 = exif * 28 = domxml * 29 = dbase * 30 = dba * 31 = curl * 32 = ctype * 33 = calendar * 34 = bz2 * 35 = bcmath * 36 = zlib * 37 = session mm * 38 = apache SquirrelMail-specific information: Version: 1.4.7 Plugins (List) * 0 = abook_take * 1 = addgraphics * 2 = administrator * 3 = bug_report * 4 = calendar * 5 = chg_sasl_passwd * 6 = delete_move_next * 7 = forced_prefs * 8 = fortune * 9 = listcommands * 10 = message_details * 11 = show_user_and_ip * 12 = spamcop * 13 = sasql * 14 = pupdate * 15 = mark_read * 16 = archive_mail * 17 = gpg * 18 = image_buttons My IMAP server information: Server type: cyrus Server info: * OK [HIDDEN] Cyrus IMAP4 v2.0.16 server ready Capabilities: IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 ACL QUOTA LITERAL+ NAMESPACE UIDPLUS ID NO_ATOMIC_RENAME UNSELECT MULTIAPPEND SORT THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES IDLE STARTTLS AUTH=GSSAPI AUTH=ANONYMOUS AUTH=CRAM-MD5 AUTH=DIGEST-MD5 AUTH=LOGIN AUTH=PLAIN X-NETSCAPE -- Die unaufgeforderte Zusendung einer Werbemail an Privatleute verstößt gegen §1 UWG und §823 I BGB (Beschluß des LG Berlin vom 2.8.1998 Az: 16 O 201/98). Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der übermittelten persönlichen Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdrücklich untersagt! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT Join SourceForge.net's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV -- squirrelmail-users mailing list Posting Guidelines: http://www.squirrelmail.org/wiki/MailingListPostingGuidelines List Address: squirrelmail-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx List Archives: http://news.gmane.org/thread.php?group=gmane.mail.squirrelmail.user List Archives: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=2995 List Info: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/squirrelmail-users