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Re: Unable to access internal resources via hostname

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Thank you so much for going through literally our whole config and helping me patch it up. 

I've added, removed, and changed nearly everything you mentioned and the squid.conf starts with no issue. 

I do have a question in regards to these though:
> # blocked content types, by MIME content type, in response
> acl bad_types rep_mime_type -i "/etc/squid/bad_types"
> http_reply_access deny bad_types !bad_exception_urls
> deny_info ERR_BLOCK_TYPE bad_types

You mentioned that these ACL's under the general blacklists section need to be structured differently, what did you mean by that? 

After all the changes I still have the issue where I'm unable to get to local destinations via hostname, but now I'm unable to browse to them via IP as well. With that said, I'm not too concerned because I can provide you our Squid config with ALL of the changes you suggested, and we can see which ACL needs to be fixed in order for this to work. 

Also, I'm willing to generate new logs for you guys if you need it. I've edited the custom_logging to work as you pointed out, so it should be much more approachable. I've also included some of our config that is not related to the issue, just in case we have any glaring performance issues that we worked in or security concerns that need to be addressed. 

Please see config, below: 

# General

# email address of cache administrator
cache_mgr <redacted>

# Run as...
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid

# squid shutdown time
shutdown_lifetime 5 seconds

# Logging

# this makes the logs readable to humans
# logformat custom %tl.%03tu %>a %Ss/%03>Hs %<st %rm %ru %[un %Sh/%<a %mt
logformat custom %tl.%03tu %>a %Ss/%03>Hs %<st %rm %ru %[un \ %Sh/%<a %mt %err_code/%err_detail
access_log daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log custom

# original arcgate had external logging, this setting was off
# this is now enabled
logfile_rotate 10

# debug_options ALL, 1-9, 1 being fatal errors only, 9 being EVERYTHING
debug_options ALL,1

# Buffer logs?  Yes means better performance, but crash debugging can be harder.
buffered_logs off

# Red Hat-ish log names
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log

# mime headers can record both the request and the response MIME headers for each HTTP transaction
log_mime_hdrs off

# turning this off allows logs to show full URL's
strip_query_terms off

# Network - General/misc

# our HTTP proxy port
# loopback management

# if set to "on", Squid will append your client's IP address in the HTTP requests it forwards
forwarded_for delete

# Network timeout settings

# if connect(2) does not succeed in 30 seconds, it is not going to
connect_timeout 30 seconds

# if we do not get any data at all for 2 minutes, we are not going to
read_timeout 2 minutes

# if we do not get an HTTP response in 2 minutes, we are not going to
request_timeout 2 minutes

# Configuration of the local cache itself

# default calue are 100 16 256
# first variable is disk space in MB
# 10000 MB = 10 GB
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid/ 16000 64 64

# coredump location
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid/

# Replacement policies determine which objects are removed to free space:
# - LRU = least recently used objects are removed first
# - heap GDSF = optimizes object hit at expense of byte hit rate
# - heap LFUDA = optimizes byte hit rate at expense of object hit rate
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
memory_replacement_policy lru

# cache_mem is max for total size of all objects in memory cache
# this is *NOT* the max RAM Squid will use.
cache_mem 256 MB

# Allow larger objects to conserve bandwidth.
maximum_object_size 32 MB

# Allow larger objects since we have more RAM.
maximum_object_size_in_memory 512 KB

# allows for more leinency in requests about to be aborted
quick_abort_min 16 KB
quick_abort_max 1 MB
quick_abort_pct 90

# if client requests to skip less than this amount of data,
# we just retrieve the whole thing
range_offset_limit 64 KB

# Authentication

auth_param negotiate program /usr/lib64/squid/negotiate_kerberos_auth -k /etc/squid/HTTP.keytab -s HTTP/
auth_param negotiate children 10
auth_param negotiate keep_alive on
acl kerb-auth proxy_auth REQUIRED

# Access control - shared/common ACL definitions

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# networks and hosts (by name or IP address)

# acl all src all

acl src_self src
acl src_self src

acl to_localhost dst

acl localnet src
acl local_dst_addr dst

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# protocols (URL schemes)

acl proto_FTP proto FTP
acl proto_HTTP proto HTTP

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TCP port numbers

# TCP ports for ordinary HTTP
acl http_ports port 80           	   # standard HTTP
acl http_ports port 81         	   # common alternative
acl http_ports port 8001       	   # support sub-site
acl http_ports port 8080      	   # common alternative
acl http_ports port 88 8000 8888 # ad-hoc services
acl http_ports port 1080        	  # SOCK frontend to HTTP service
acl http_ports port 21-22      	  # http:// frontend to FTP service
acl http_ports port 443       	  # https:// URLs

# TCP ports for HTTP-over-SSL
acl Ssl_ports port 443          # standard HTTPS
acl Ssl_ports port 9571         #
acl Ssl_ports port 22           # SSH

# TCP ports for plain FTP command channel
acl ftp_ports port 21

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HTTP methods (and pseudo-methods)


# Access control - general proxy

# define and allow new ACL for "Safe_ports"
acl Safe_Ports any-of http_ports Ssl_ports ftp_ports

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# basic deny rules

# deny anything not from the LAN
http_access deny !localnet

# deny unauthorized access and DoS attacks
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !Ssl_ports

# blocks self to self connections
http_access deny to_localhost

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# allow without authentication

# allow trusted hosts without authentication
# these are just ip's on the 10.46.11.x network
acl authless_src src "/etc/squid/authless_src"
http_access allow authless_src

# allow the following destinations without authentication
# hostnames, websites, and domains go here
acl authless_dst dstdomain "/etc/squid/authless_dst"
acl authless_dst dstdomain
acl authless_dst dstdomain hexcelssp
http_access allow authless_dst

# need an ACL that uses "whitelist" first
# http_access allow whitelist

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# block before authentication

# blocked destinations, by host or domain, before authentication
# websites that are auto-deny
acl bad_domains_preauth dstdomain "/etc/squid/bad_domains_preauth"
http_access deny bad_domains_preauth

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# require proxy authentication

# ********************************************************************
# * anything past this point requires users to authenticate to proxy *
# ********************************************************************

# block basic unauthenticated users
http_access deny !kerb-auth

# block certain user IDs from using proxy server
# list of ad users and service accounts to automatically deny proxy
acl block_user proxy_auth_regex -i "/etc/squid/block_user"
http_access deny block_user all

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# general whitelist

# whitelist for locations, overrides blocking
acl bad_exception_urls urlpath_regex -i "/etc/squid/bad_exception_urls"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# selective whitelists
# these override the general blacklists by explictly allowing things

# list of users for this
acl mmedia_users proxy_auth_regex -i "/etc/squid/mmedia_users"

# list of sites for this
acl mmedia_sites dstdomain "/etc/squid/mmedia_sites"

# access rule to allow the above
http_access allow mmedia_users mmedia_sites

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# executable blocking

# file extensions that are blocked
# don't add .COM files here, causes issues
acl exec_files urlpath_regex -i "/etc/squid/exec_files"

# usernames not to block
acl exec_users proxy_auth_regex -i "/etc/squid/exec_users"

# activate
http_access deny !bad_exception_urls !exec_users exec_files
deny_info ERR_BLOCK_TYPE exec_files

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# general blacklists
# porn, wastes of bandwidth, etc.

# blocked destinations, by host or domain
# sites we don't want people using
acl bad_domains dstdomain "/etc/squid/bad_domains"
http_access deny !bad_exception_urls bad_domains
deny_info ERR_BLOCK_DST bad_domains

# blocked destinations, by host or domain, regex pattern
acl bad_domains_regex dstdom_regex -i "/etc/squid/bad_domains_regex"
http_access deny !bad_exception_urls bad_domains_regex
deny_info ERR_BLOCK_DST bad_domains_regex

# blocked destinations, by complex URL
acl bad_urls urlpath_regex -i "/etc/squid/bad_urls"
http_access deny !bad_exception_urls bad_urls
deny_info ERR_BLOCK_DST bad_urls

# blocked content types, by apparent file name
acl bad_files urlpath_regex -i "/etc/squid/bad_files"
http_access deny !bad_exception_urls bad_files
deny_info ERR_BLOCK_TYPE bad_files

# blocked content types, by MIME content type, in response
acl bad_types rep_mime_type -i "/etc/squid/bad_types"
http_reply_access deny !bad_exception_urls bad_types
deny_info ERR_BLOCK_TYPE bad_types

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# catch-all defaults

# allow authenticated clients after all other ACL's
http_access allow kerb-auth

# deny any request we missed in the above
http_access deny all

# if no other ACL applies, allow
http_reply_access allow all


As always, thank you for all of your help. 

-----Original Message-----
From: squid-users <squid-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Amos Jeffries
Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2024 10:51 AM
To: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re:  Unable to access internal resources via hostname

Caution: This email originated from outside of Hexcel. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

On 6/09/24 03:56, Piana, Josh wrote:
> Hello Amos,
> While the comments did say that it was just the range, I don't think there's any other ACL forcing that. I tried adding the the two internal sites that are being blocked by their IP, restarted Squid, and tested. Still being blocked. You are right though, both of those web addresses are on a different IP scheme. Ideally we want anything on to be allowed, and The other question I have is, even if we specify those sites IP as "allowed", shouldn't we be able to brwose to them by their hostname as well?

That depends no your configuration policy. The default squid.conf only checks that clients are from the LAN and not doing any nasty protocol trick attacks.

> Currently, those internal sites ARE reachable. But only if we use IP. While this doesn't bother me, personally, the rest of our users would like to keep browsing via hostname as that's what they're used to and what many have shortcuts for.

Currently I see the ACL "local_dst_dom" is commented out (disabled).

I guess you also have not listed the hostname or domain in the file loaded by "authless_dst" ACL.

> In regards to the results of /etc/resolv.conf, see below:
> search
> nameserver

Okay. Then the "NDOT" default of 1 will be applied. So for these HTTP

   CONNECT hexp:443 HTTP/1.1
   Host: hexp

Will be interpreted by Squid as URL:


The "dstdomain" ACL will try to match "hexp" exactly.

The "dst" ACL will try to match IPs of ""

> There must be a better way to just allow internal to internal traffic without needing to authenticate through the web proxy. The old config had it, but that was part of the issue. We have no idea how that was working, it didn't make sense at all and it was a bit outdated, Version 2.5 as opposed to our current 5.5.
> I'm happy to post out config again here, as it's changed a bit and I have cleaned it up.
> # squid.conf - Squid web cache configuration
> ######################################################################
> ########
> # General
> ######################################################################
> ########
> # 2020MAR23 running out with just 1024 as we switch to OMA 
> max_filedesc 4096

Unrelated to your problem, but FYI this should probably be much larger (ie 64K minimum, up to 100x expected user count) for a production proxy.

> ######################################################################
> ########
> # Logging
> ######################################################################
> ########
> # this makes the logs readable to humans logformat custom %tl.%03tu 
> %>a %Ss/%03>Hs %<st %rm %ru %[un %Sh/%<a %mt access_log 
> daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log custom
> # this gives better error reporting
> logformat custom %err_code/%err_detail access_log 
> daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log custom

This repeat of "custom" will cause issues.

IIRC this was added misunderstanding of Alex instructions.
What he meant was to **add** "%err_code/%err_detail" to your existing "custom" format.

Like this:

logformat custom %tl.%03tu %>a %Ss/%03>Hs %<st %rm %ru %[un \
     %Sh/%<a %mt %err_code/%err_detail

> # Red Hat-ish log names
> cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
> cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log

This setting opens a third logger writing to access.log, causing more issues.

Remove this "cache_access_log" line.

> # store_log is only useful for debugging cache_store_log none

FYI, off by default on current Squid. You can probably erase this setting entirely now.

> ######################################################################
> ########
> # Network - General/misc
> ######################################################################
> ########
> # our HTTP proxy port
> http_port
> # loopback management
> http_port

FWIW, you have denied access to "dst". So traffic to this port will be rejected.

> # disable ICP, port is typically 3130
> icp_port 0

FYI; disabled by default in modern Squid. You can remove "icp_port".

> # if set to "on", Squid will append your client's IP address in the 
> HTTP requests it forwards forwarded_for off

"off" will send the text "unknown".

It is better to use "transparent" (pass-thru unchanged) or "delete"
(erase if existing).

> ######################################################################
> ########
> # Authentication
> ######################################################################
> ########
> auth_param negotiate program /usr/lib64/squid/negotiate_kerberos_auth 
> -k /etc/squid/HTTP.keytab -s 
> auth_param negotiate children 10
> auth_param negotiate keep_alive on
> acl kerb-auth proxy_auth REQUIRED
> ######################################################################
> ######## # Access control - shared/common ACL definitions 
> ######################################################################
> ########
> # 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------ # networks and hosts (by name or IP address)
> # acl all src all
> acl src_self src
> acl src_self src
> acl dst_self dst
> acl dst_self dst

FYI, there are more IPs than just which can be problematic as loopback sources.

Replace "dst_self" with:

  acl to_localhost dst

> acl from_arc src
> acl local_dst_addr dst
> acl local_dst_addr dst
> # 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
> # protocols (URL schemes)
> acl proto_FTP proto FTP
> acl proto_HTTP proto HTTP
> # 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
> # TCP port numbers
> # TCP ports for ordinary HTTP
> acl http_ports port 80                # standard HTTP
> acl http_ports port 81                # common alternative
> acl http_ports port 8001      # support sub-site
> acl http_ports port 8080      # common alternative

Other ports that are common:

  acl http_ports port 88 8000 8888 # ad-hoc services
  acl http_ports port 1080  # SOCK frontend to HTTP service
  acl http_ports port 21-22 # http:// frontend to FTP service
  acl http_ports port 443   # https:// URLs

Or really, **any** port can be valid now that Alt-Svc is widely used.

> # TCP ports for HTTP-over-SSL
> acl Ssl_ports port 443
> acl Ssl_ports port 9571               #
> # TCP ports for plain FTP command channel acl ftp_ports port 21
> # TCP ports for SSH/SFTP (secure shell) acl ssh_ports port 22

FTR, "ssh_ports" is unused. SSH and SFTP can only use Squid via CONNECT tunnel anyway. So you should list this port as part of "Ssl_ports".

> # 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
> # HTTP methods (and pseudo-methods)
> acl method_CONNECT method CONNECT

FYI: we have a built-in for modern Squid:

   acl CONNECT method CONNECT

You can replace all "method_CONNECT" with just "CONNECT".

> # list of standard HTTP methods
> acl methods_std method GET HEAD POST PUT DELETE acl methods_std method 

Consider removing these ACLs and the extra complexity they create.
Modern HTTP considers many other method names "standard" and current Squid follows the standard-required handling for all of them, and special ones.

> ######################################################################
> #######
> # Access control - general proxy
> ######################################################################
> ########
> # This major section is about which HTTP proxy clients can use Squid # 
> as an HTTP proxy server.  As opposed to the maintenance/admin-type # 
> stuff in the previous section.
> # 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
> # basic deny rules
> # these block stuff that's never good
> # we put most denies after user-auth so we know *who* is trying

Missing basic security to prevent DoS and protocol hijacking attacks:

  http_access deny !Safe_ports
  http_access deny CONNECT !Ssl_ports

You can define Safe_ports like this:

   acl Safe_Ports any-of http_ports Ssl_ports ftp_ports

> # block attempts to connect to proxy server via proxy http_access deny 
> dst_self

   http_access deny to_localhost

> # block clients which are the proxy server machine itself http_access 
> deny src_self

FYI, there should be nothing wrong with other software running on the proxy machine (eg software updaters) using Squid. They have to obey the same rules an any other client.

> # deny anything not from the LAN
> http_access deny !from_arc

FYI, we use "localnet" ACL to define the LAN. Makes it a bit easier for others to assist if you use the same. Up to you though.

> # 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
> # allow without authentication
> # these rules allow certain connects without user authentication # 
> these allow any protocol/method/etc
> #                 ***** IMPORTANT *****
> # Adding to these lists also exempts from all content filtering.
> # In particular, executables will be allowed to download!
> #                 ***** IMPORTANT *****
> # allow connects to local destinations without authentication # by 
> domain name from URL # acl local_dst_dom dstdomain
> # http_access       allow local_dst_dom
> # http_reply_access allow local_dst_dom

You have a domain name whitelist ACL two sections below.
You can remove the above, and list and use the later one for both
"local" and other domains.

> # by IP address name resolves to
> http_access       allow local_dst_addr
> # http_reply_access allow local_dst_addr

Maybe rename "local_dst_addr" to "whitelist_dst_ips" for clarity on what
it is doing.

Which brings up a security issue: When you list the entire LAN range in
this ACL, anyone accessing the proxy is allowed to do whatever they want
to your LAN machines. That includes all LAN **and** WAN connections.

Additionally, the bypass of authentication leaves you no trace that this
was actually a user, and not some infected LAN machine spreading malware
across your LAN. Which is rather risky.

Prefer to keep by-IP whitelist's empty or minimal content.

> # allow trusted hosts without authentication
> # these are just ip's on the 10.46.11.x network
> acl authless_src src "/etc/squid/authless_src"
> http_access       allow authless_src
> # http_reply_access allow authless_src
> # allow the following destinations without authentication
> # list of random approved websites
> # whats the advantage of not authenticating?
> acl authless_dst dstdomain "/etc/squid/authless_dst"
> http_access       allow authless_dst
> # http_reply_access allow authless_dst

This should be combined with "local_dst_dom". Just use different lines
like so:

  acl authless_dst dstdomain "/etc/squid/authless_dst"
  acl authless_dst dstdomain
  acl authless_dst dstdomain hexcelssp

  http_access allow whitelist

> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # block before authentication
> # these rules block certain connects without user authentication
> # done for software which handles proxy auth requests badly
> # for example, popping up many auth prompts
> # this does mean we cannot whitelist for users
> # blocked destinations, by host or domain, before authentication
> # websites that are auto-deny
> acl bad_domains_preauth dstdomain "/etc/squid/bad_domains_preauth"
> http_access deny bad_domains_preauth
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # require proxy authentication
> # ********************************************************************
> # * anything past this point requires users to authenticate to proxy *
> # ********************************************************************
> # Uncomment these lines to disable authentication requirement for all
> # but a few test boxes.  Useful if NTLM gets broken.
> # acl from_test_boxes src
> # http_access allow !from_test_boxes from_arc

FYI, you have "deny !from_arc" earlier above.

This is simpler and does the same thing as the above line:

   # http_access allow !from_test_boxes

> # block clients which are not authenticated
> # http_access deny !authenticated

You named the ACL "kerb-auth", not "authenticated".

> # block certain user IDs from using proxy server
> # list of ad users and service accounts to automatically deny proxy
> acl block_user proxy_auth_regex -i "/etc/squid/block_user"
> http_access deny block_user

I suggest this to prevent re-login loop for these forbidden services:

  http_access deny !kerb-auth
  http_access deny block_user all

> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # general whitelist
> # whitelist for locations/sites (override blocking)
> # allows complex URLs
> # some bad_urls patterns are generic
> # they block suspicous URLs or generally unwanted sites
> # this whitelist can make specific exceptions within those
> acl bad_exception_urls url_regex -i "/etc/squid/bad_exception_urls"
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # executable blocking
> # we do this separately from other content blocking
> # in order to allow ITLIB to still download
> # doing it with other blocking causes a flood of browser auth req's
> # for users visting sites with video
> # file extensions to block
> # don't try to block .COM files here
> # it will get confused with .com domain and block too many things
> acl exec_files url_regex -i "/etc/squid/exec_files"

Consider using the "urlpath_regex" ACL type instead. It does not match
against the scheme://domain:port part of URLs.

> # usernames not to block
> acl exec_users proxy_auth_regex -i "/etc/squid/exec_users"
> # activate
> http_access deny !bad_exception_urls !exec_users exec_files
> deny_info ERR_BLOCK_TYPE exec_files
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # selective whitelists
> # these override the general blacklists by explictly allowing things
> # some multimedia services (I.E. YouTube) are permitted for certain users
> # exempts them from content blocking in this section
> # list of users for this
> acl mmedia_users proxy_auth_regex -i "/etc/squid/mmedia_users"
> # list of sites for this
> acl mmedia_sites dstdomain "/etc/squid/mmedia_sites"
> # if a mmedia user attempts to access a mmedia site via appropriate protocols, allow it
> # done for both HTTP/TCP/80 and HTTP/SSL/443
> # done for both HTTP request as well as HTTP reply/response
> # otherwise the later bad_types Content-Type multimedia blocking rule kicks in
> http_access       allow methods_std    proto_HTTP http_ports mmedia_sites mmedia_users
> # tp_reply_access allow methods_std    proto_HTTP http_ports mmedia_sites mmedia_users
> http_access       allow method_CONNECT            ssl_ports  mmedia_sites mmedia_users
> # http_reply_access allow method_CONNECT            ssl_ports  mmedia_sites mmedia_users

FYI, Websites like YouTube can dynamically negotiate the media source
ports to be non-standard values using Alt-Svc headers.

If you had the default security settings at the top of your http_access

  http_access deny !Safe_ports
  http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_Ports

... you would not need to make (bad) assumptions about the protocols and
ports used by media sites here.

Also, "mmedia_users" being last on the line risks a 407 re-auth
challenge occuring. Best place it earlier.

Leaving these rules as:

    http_access allow mmedia_users mmedia_sites

> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # general blacklists
> # porn, wastes of bandwidth, etc.
> # blocked destinations, by host or domain
> # sites we don't want people using
> acl bad_domains dstdomain "/etc/squid/bad_domains"
> http_access deny !bad_exception_urls bad_domains
> deny_info ERR_BLOCK_DST       bad_domains
> # blocked destinations, by host or domain, regex pattern
> acl bad_domains_regex dstdom_regex -i "/etc/squid/bad_domains_regex"
> http_access deny !bad_exception_urls bad_domains_regex
> deny_info ERR_BLOCK_DST       bad_domains_regex
> # blocked destinations, by complex URL
> # typical use: block just part of a site, by URL path
> # example use: block just the advertsing section of a site
> acl bad_urls url_regex -i "/etc/squid/bad_urls"
> http_access deny !bad_exception_urls bad_urls
> deny_info ERR_BLOCK_DST       bad_urls
> # blocked content types, by apparent file name
> acl bad_files urlpath_regex -i "/etc/squid/bad_files"
> http_access deny !bad_exception_urls bad_files
> deny_info ERR_BLOCK_TYPE bad_files
> # blocked content types, by MIME content type, in response
> acl bad_types rep_mime_type -i "/etc/squid/bad_types"
> # http_reply_access deny bad_types !bad_exception_urls
> deny_info ERR_BLOCK_TYPE bad_types

FYI, in order for the deny_info action to be taken the ACL it is
attached to must be the final one on a line.

Previous config was fine, but this "bad_types" use will not work. You
need to re-order the access checks like this:

  # http_reply_access deny !bad_exception_urls bad_types


This part from here ...

> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # standard web (HTTP PUT/GET/etc) access
> # We basically allow any auth'ed user to connect via HTTP to anywhere,
> # so long as it uses a standard port, and is not a direct CONNECT
> # attempt, or blocked, or any of the other stuff above.
> http_access allow http_ports proto_HTTP methods_std
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # direct CONNECT for HTTP-over-SSL (HTTPS)
> http_access allow method_CONNECT ssl_ports
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # deny any other CONNECT attempts
> http_access deny method_CONNECT
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # FTP via HTTP proxy
> http_access allow ftp_ports proto_FTP

... to here.

Is better handled by the default squid.conf:

  http_access deny !Safe_ports
  http_access deny CONNECT !Ssl_ports

Placed at the top of your http_access lines.

> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # catch-all defaults
> http_access allow kerb-auth
> # deny any request we missed in the above
> http_access deny all
> # If we allowed the request, allow the reply (HTTP response) as well.
> # Rules above many allow or deny specific reply before now.
> # If nothing more specific matched, we allow.
> # This should be OK since we filter mainly on requests.
> # http_reply_access allow all

FWIW, it is hard to tell what the exact last reply action could have
been. So I would un-comment this allow line to be certain it is what

> ##############################################################################
> ##############################################################################


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