2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 44,3| peer_select.cc(163) peerSelect: CONNECT
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 44,3| peer_select.cc(472) peerSelectFoo: CONNECT api.gouv.fr
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 44,3| peer_select.cc(485) peerSelectFoo: peerSelectFoo:
direct = DIRECT_UNKNOWN (never_direct to be checked)
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 0x5653abfc4b68 checking slow rules
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Ip.cc(538) match: aclIpMatchIp:
'' found
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: all = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: never_direct#1 = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: never_direct = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 0x5653abfc4b68 answer ALLOWED for match
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Checklist.cc(163) checkCallback: ACLChecklist::checkCallback: 0x5653abfc4b68
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 44,3| peer_select.cc(195) peerCheckNeverDirectDone: peerCheckNeverDirectDone: ALLOWED
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 44,3| peer_select.cc(201) peerCheckNeverDirectDone:
direct = DIRECT_NO (never_direct allow)
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 44,3| peer_select.cc(472) peerSelectFoo: CONNECT api.gouv.fr
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 44,3| peer_select.cc(712) peerGetSomeParent: CONNECT api.gouv.fr
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 15,3| neighbors.cc(332) getRoundRobinParent: returning NULL
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 15,3| neighbors.cc(382) getWeightedRoundRobinParent: getWeightedRoundRobinParent: returning NULL
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 0x7ffd6220f030 checking fast rules
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Ip.cc(538) match: aclIpMatchIp:
'' found
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: all = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: peer_access squid-2.inf-proxy03-d01.dc02#1 = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: peer_access
squid-2.inf-proxy03-d01.dc02 = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 0x7ffd6220f030 answer ALLOWED for match
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 15,3| neighbors.cc(294) getFirstUpParent: getFirstUpParent: returning
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 44,3| peer_select.cc(978) peerAddFwdServer: adding FIRSTUP_PARENT/
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 0x7ffd6220f0d0 checking fast rules
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Ip.cc(538) match: aclIpMatchIp:
'' found
2022/09/26 09:07:52.381| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: all = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: peer_access squid-2.inf-proxy03-d01.dc02#1 = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: peer_access
squid-2.inf-proxy03-d01.dc02 = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 0x7ffd6220f0d0 answer ALLOWED for match
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 44,3| peer_select.cc(971) peerAddFwdServer: skipping ANY_OLD_PARENT/; have FIRSTUP_PARENT/
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 0x7ffd6220f0d0 checking fast rules
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 28,3| Ip.cc(538) match: aclIpMatchIp:
'' found
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: all = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: peer_access squid-2.inf-proxy03-d01.dc01#1 = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 28,3| Acl.cc(151) matches: checked: peer_access
squid-2.inf-proxy03-d01.dc01 = 1
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 0x7ffd6220f0d0 answer ALLOWED for match
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 44,3| peer_select.cc(978) peerAddFwdServer: adding ANY_OLD_PARENT/
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 15,3| neighbors.cc(472) getDefaultParent: getDefaultParent: returning NULL
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 44,2| peer_select.cc(295) peerSelectDnsPaths: Find IP destination for: api.gouv.fr:443' via
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 44,2| peer_select.cc(295) peerSelectDnsPaths: Find IP destination for: api.gouv.fr:443' via
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 44,2| peer_select.cc(316) peerSelectDnsPaths: Found sources for
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 44,2| peer_select.cc(317) peerSelectDnsPaths:
always_direct = DENIED
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 44,2| peer_select.cc(318) peerSelectDnsPaths: never_direct = ALLOWED
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 44,2| peer_select.cc(328) peerSelectDnsPaths: cache_peer =
local= remote=
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 44,2| peer_select.cc(328) peerSelectDnsPaths: cache_peer =
local= remote=
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 44,2| peer_select.cc(331) peerSelectDnsPaths: timedout = 0
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 26,3| tunnel.cc(1249) tunnelPeerSelectComplete:
paths=2, p[0]={local=
remote= flags=1}, serverDest[0]={local=
remote= flags=1}
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 17,3| FwdState.cc(1369) GetMarkingsToServer: from netfilter mark 0
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 26,3| AsyncCall.cc(25) AsyncCall: The AsyncCall tunnelConnectDone constructed,
this=0x5653abf924a0 [call164]
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 5,3| ConnOpener.cc(43) ConnOpener: will connect to
local= remote=
flags=1 with 30 timeout
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 50,3| comm.cc(350) comm_openex: comm_openex: Attempt open socket for:
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 50,3| comm.cc(393) comm_openex: comm_openex: Opened socket
local= remote=[::] FD 14
flags=1 : family=2,
type=1, protocol=6
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 51,3| fd.cc(198) fd_open: fd_open() FD 14 api.gouv.fr:443
2022/09/26 09:07:52.382| 5,3| ConnOpener.cc(291) createFd: local=
remote= flags=1 will timeout in 30
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 26,3| AsyncCall.cc(92) ScheduleCall: ConnOpener.cc(139) will call tunnelConnectDone(local=
remote= FD 14
flags=1, data=0x5653abfa3598) [call164]
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 26,3| AsyncCallQueue.cc(55) fireNext: entering tunnelConnectDone(local=
remote= FD 14
flags=1, data=0x5653abfa3598)
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 26,3| AsyncCall.cc(37) make: make call tunnelConnectDone [call164]
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 14,3| Address.cc(382) lookupHostIP: Given Non-IP
'api.gouv.fr': Name or service not known
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 38,3| net_db.cc(355) netdbSendPing: netdbSendPing: pinging api.gouv.fr
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 37,2| IcmpSquid.cc(59) SendEcho: Socket Closed. Aborted send to, opcode 3, len 10
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 26,3| tunnel.cc(1163) tunnelRelayConnectRequest:
local= remote= FD 14
flags=1, tunnelState=0x5653abfa3598
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 22,3| refresh.cc(648) getMaxAge: getMaxAge:
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 11,2| tunnel.cc(1177) tunnelRelayConnectRequest: Tunnel Server REQUEST:
local= remote= FD 14
CONNECT api.gouv.fr:443 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.52.1
Host: api.gouv.fr:443
X-Forwarded-For: unknown
Cache-Control: max-age=259200
Connection: close
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 5,3| comm.cc(559) commSetConnTimeout:
local= remote= FD 14
flags=1 timeout 900
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 5,3| comm.cc(559) commSetConnTimeout:
local= remote= FD 14
flags=1 timeout 900
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 26,3| AsyncCallQueue.cc(57) fireNext: leaving tunnelConnectDone(local=
remote= FD 14
flags=1, data=0x5653abfa3598)
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 5,3| IoCallback.cc(116) finish: called for
local= remote= FD 14
flags=1 (0, 0)
2022/09/26 09:07:52.393| 26,3| tunnel.cc(929) tunnelConnectReqWriteDone:
local= remote= FD 14
flags=1, flag=0