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Re: Analize squid3 por conexion

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On 10/07/2018 09:33 AM, Ikari C wrote:
> Hi, i use squid3 for proxy in my lan, and it's works very well, but i
> wish analize the log in real time per conecction and the speed that
> conection use , for example, i want to see the traffic by  host
> (all the conecctions or talks to the host), somthing like
> htop but for the "access.log", what kind of sofware con you recommend
> me? thanks for your time.

No software can give you a "live" or "real time" view of Squid
connections based on access.log info because access.log only contains
records of past/completed transactions, not current/live ones.

I do not think there is any Squid interface that was designed (and is
appropriate) for true live traffic monitoring, but you may get some
"current usage" information from the Cache Manager interface:

If you are content with only looking at past/finished/completed
transactions, then there are probably some tools that can be fed
access.log entries as Squid produces them and that can display nearly
"live" statistics based on those entries, but I personally cannot
recommend any.
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