When a script reference on an HTML page includes a parameter, the script
does not appear to be cached when using squid in accel mode (https).
For example,
<script type='text/javascript'
jquery.js does not appear to be cached in that case, each page request
hits the originserver with a request for jquery.js. (also seems browser
does not cache, either).
Removing parameters from html allows the scripts to be cached, but I'm
wondering if there is a configuration to cache the scripts even with
parameter spec? In this case it's only a couple of minor modifications
to wp source, but it would be more convenient to avoid mod altogether.
Also, I noticed that when requesting content through squid in proxy mode
(not accel), with SSL request - a newline (\r\n) is appearing in the
header *before* the status, ie HTTP/1.1 200 OK. This does not happen
with http/80 requests. I haven't tested this thoroughly to be certain
that it's a problem in squid, but maybe you have an idea if it's
happening in the code? Something to consider. (Note: It could also be a
problem with libcurl, if squid is not the culprit).
version info:
Squid Cache: Version 3.5.15-20160302-r14000
Service Name: squid
configure options: '--prefix=/usr/local/squid' '--with-openssl=/usr'
FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE-p9 #0:
Waitman Gobble
Los Altos, CA
+1 650 900 8557
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